MMORPGs. I just love them.

Jun 02, 2008 20:11

-Not released games Akane wouldn't mind trying right now: Aika and Mabinogi Heroes.
-The one I'm definitely buying whenever it's released: Aion (Poi-chan, let's party? ♥)
-Non MMORPG I'm also definitely purchasing: The Sims 3.

And since the waiting for all those games is long, I'm downloading Rohan right now. It seems that i's been translated into English (-o-;
My default internet page is a Japanese site about MMORPG news, so I always know what titles are being made and such. The thing is... they tend to release those games in English when I'm no longer interested in them (^^;;;;
I heard about Rohan ages ago, and right now I'm downloading it just for the fun of trying something new while I wait for Aion. I don't think it'll be better than Perfect World, although I like the setting more (fantasy instead of Chinese), but leveling at Perfect World is a pain if I have to solo, so I'll try Rohan for fun.
...And I want to play Sims2, too...

I'm going to work on D.Nd:Infection now, then I'll play Rohan (><; *dead* (I promise I'm working on it! I've spent the whole weekend adding scenes to the game and testing them non stop. I'm pretty much burned today, but I still have energy to continue~)

game, mmorpg

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