What you can expect here:
-Lots of fangirlsm! Akane's crazy and gets so excited when she's happy. If you're as crazy as her, please share your love for the fandom (^^)
-Some bad fanarts.
-Endless RP talk. I haven't RPed in ages (TAT)
-Endless lolita fashion talk.
-Engrish. The first time I got to use English on the internet, it was to talk to my Japanese friends. So I got the habit to mix English with Japanese words (especially "ne") sometimes. I don't know how to pronounce English to save my life, while I do know how Japanese sounds. To those who are always butthurt about this: get over it or go away, your choice~
-Most of the things listed above are related to Mello x Near. I don't recommend anyone who doesn't like this pairing to stalk this journal!
This said, note that this journal is not friends only. Read it at your own risk, but please don't complain to me later on that you didn't like what you saw here. I don't appreciate ridiculous whining.
(Please note that I don't receive friending or defriending notifications. I can't know if you have friended me unless you tell me yourself, so don't hesitate to let me know!)