Mar 28, 2011 23:07
Finally! L4D2!!!!!!!!!!!
omg how long has it been out? And it's my first time playing it. So noob with the adrenaline shots and new fireworks ammo.
I went for guitar lesson and then, met up with yoshi for l4d!! He was blabbing to me about how he's moving to japan to stay with his grandparents yada yada~why cant i have jap friends that can speak awesome jap with me seriously T.T stupid TN!
L4D2 was awesome! I'm saying that cuz i was sick of L4D one, like i could close-my-eyes-and-know-which-way to-walk sick.
we played Expert and i keep icha icha-ing with the witch and one slash i got KO. LOL!
And yea, that's how i vent my frustration of the fact that now, I'm suppose to be at Changi airport with a huge suitcase and glittery eyes looking forward to go japan but NO, thanks to the earthquake i'm not. Pfft.
But I'm going to the library to study with Ba tmr ^^ i love the library near my house, the other libraries just won't do I'm not really sure why.... Kyaa <3
*i need a starry sky and alcohol,
*chapters of my book