.Aku made shitsuji desu kara

Aug 19, 2009 16:59

1. Name: Michelle, Mick, Mickey
2. Age: Fifteen
3. Gender: Female
4. Do you have a preference for being stamped as a male or a female character? I'd rather be seen as more masculine, really.

5. Your personality in general: I'm rather paradoxical, perhaps hypocritical? But everyone is. I'm fascinated with things no one really gets the gist of. I'm odd. I'm an envious person, I have to try very, very hard to be decent. Sometimes I slip up. I'm pretty cryptic, I'll dodge your questions and answer with my own questions.
6. Strengths: Pride, pondering, critical thinking, logic, I tend to take charge a lot when everyone's lost or doesn't know what to do.
7. Weaknesses: Pride (gets in my way sometimes), I'm envious of a lot of things, greed, I push people away a lot
8. Dreams: None.
9. Fears: Confrontations, honesty, facing myself
10. Talents: Writing, swimming, roleplaying, maths
11. Hobbies: Roleplaying, writing, reading, surfing the net
12. Likes: Those lazy pleasures in life, you know? Just the feeling when you're between falling asleep and still slightly awake, or the fresh fizz of Coca Cola, and antique stuff, masquerade masks, ball gowns, ribbons
13. Dislikes: Chewing too loudly, ignorance, incompetence.

14. Color? Why?: Green, resembles jealousy, my greatest vice. Second would be crimson.
15. Animal? Why?: Birds. They're very free.
16. Quote? Why?: "Look underneath the underneath"
17. Music? Why?: Rock, contemporary, anything where the lyrics relate to how my life is, so it makes a little more sense
18. Season (Fall, Spring, Winter, Summer)? Why?: Autumn, Winter. Things are dying in Autumn, and the air is crisp on the Winter
19. Kuroshitsuji character? Why?: Sebastian, his character is interesting. He's very cryptic, and subtle and two faced.
20. Least favorite Kuroshitsuji character? Why?: Queen of England, she's so annoying.

Which one and Why?
21. Mature or Immature: I change between the two. Really often.
22. Leader or Follower: I'd rather follow a good leader, but if none are present, I take charge
23. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
24. Introverted or Extroverted: Both, I'm selective about what I am
25. Free will, Fate or Neither: Both.
26. Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive.
27. Social or Anti-Social: Antisocial
28. Calm or Hyper: Both.
29. Family or Friends:
30. Activity or Quiet:
31. Justice or Compassion:

32. Would you want to have a contract with Sebastian? Of course! But then he'd claim my soul.Oh well.
33. How would you react to the incompetent workers at Ciel's estate? Be honest. I'd fire them, but if they were the three I think you're talking about, I'd have history with them.
34. Just how mischievous are you? Very
35. Description or Picture: Dark haired, dark eyed, asian.
36. Anything else: Nope.
37. Your votes: 1  2  3

Please do not stamp this yet, I will edit this post with my votes.
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