Today's Occurances

Jun 07, 2009 21:11

Well today started at 9:30 am or so. I got up, had breakfast, played a bit of Oblivion, then went to a party. They party lasted up until 8:00 pm. It was fun, we played risk on Morgoth's custom board which has the theme of Bionicle, it was fun, and I lasted 3 hours of the 6 played, I was sadly the first out. But that is okay, we had The Island playing, then after that we had vegetarian burgers, which where strange tasting but filling so no complaints from me. We then watched Kung Fu Panda which was awesome, much better than The Island. Now I am home, and really the party was fun and I got to catch up and see my High School friends again, but I still miss getting to hang out with

dysprositos whom I really enjoy hanging out with, also she usually has something for us/me to read or watch something with which is always nice. In any case I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends again, but I miss

dysprositos also. Talking over the internet or via phone just does not cause the same feelings as being around someone in person.

Well that is all for DW/LJ today (at least posting that is)!

movies, social

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