Some Thing Should go Here...

Feb 01, 2010 14:20

Finally another post, been busy but the type that is not too interesting tell now.

Bit over the top with the cut text but whatever, got to be dramatic where I can.

Well finally got around to making my first GIF from pictures I took with my camera of my Chaos Space Marine Army. Sadly not to big or even complete army as it falls short of the 500 point minimum.

In other news today my Chemistry teacher filled our lecture hall with Nitrogen Dioxide a poisonous chemical... yeah that was smart of him, thankfully the room was large enough that the air just smelled funny but was not deadly. Last night I had a bad case of waking up really hot which is always annoying and what was worse was I could not go back to sleep tell after I spent a good hour going outside in just some light pj's and ice packs to cool myself off. After that my stomach was like "since your up how about you got get some food too okay?" Ugh... I hate this mortal coil so much some times...

But for pictures of my task force/army in construction I have it up in my Photo bucket account, but I will share the highlights. Though one annoying thing is that the pictures the blue is a lot brighter than it should be.

Here is my Chaos Terminator Lord just after I finished painting him.

A view of my Chaos Attack Squad about an hour after I finished painting them, learned a few things from my Chaos Lord.

My Chaos Predator Tank that I made and painted when I got back to college as I had it shipped here, still say that I got a steal with it being $10USD cheaper than retail.

Learned a few things about painting from the first two Warhammer miniature sets that I got and painted, this one is my favorite right after the Chaos Lord, plus I customized it with some of its additional pieces so it would feel more like Chaos.

To finish the Predator tank off I put a Havoc launcher on the back behind the golden trophy rack and I think really it came out nicely.

I think I am going to start taking the B3 or whatever it is my mom gave to me to help with keeping me healthy and reducing the effects of stress... I think I am going to keep on taking the stuff due to how stressful college really is going to be.

life, chaos, warhammer, college

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