Somethings Never Change

Jul 19, 2009 17:03

So I figured out why I like college so much more than being here at home. At college people actually understand physics, well the ones that I usually hang out do at least, they can do mental exercises on situations and other fun stuff with know how things really work. Here at home the closest thing I have to sensible logical people (though most at college are conservative which annoys me) are my cats and
dysprositos since they understand how things work. At home I am constantly telling either my brother or my mom how things actually work in reality, and with my dad well really all he asks me is if what he is designing is functional or will do what he wants it to do. My brother who I call That Idiot Jameson due to his lack of understanding basic physics, chemistry, and even biology which I hate biology and yet I know more of it than he does! The main problem is not that he ask a lot of questions no it is when he says things that blatantly are impossible due to what every science says. Here is one from last night, I asked "How is it even possible for Link to climb that ladder with boots that say the have no traction IE on no surface would they have any friction at all?" my brother responds with "oh he just uses the shape of the foot" and "I could do it too." Brother I care about you a small amount as much as I care about those who annoy me but I have to look out for, but this is just pushing it to the point of your annoyingly to stupid to even try to talk to you about other than modding games. The other major problem is I go and tell him that what he is saying is impossible and these are the scientific laws/theories/principles that say why it is impossible.

Other than having to deal with frequent random stupidity like that my summer is going okay, though this week is going to get bad, a low of 85°F for the week in high temperatures, I hate summer...

life, rant, summer

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