Kurama visited...

Nov 29, 2002 11:12

Well. Kurama finally came. It wasn't as bad (or good, for that matter) as I thought it would be - considering the obstacles that had to be pushed over for us to see each other, let alone have the meeting last more than one hour.

This is good. Kurama said he'd stay for longer than was expected. And more than likely visit the Makai more often, considering his obligations here. He hadn't expected to before, but I suppose Karasu and I were convincing enough.

Speaking about Karasu, Kurama seems to have opened up to him. At least a little. His level of glaring went down and he doesn't look like he winces every time Karasu opens his mouth. That's always good. Not that I knew how the two acted turning their previous meetings, but Kurama seemed hostile enough in the beginning for me to get it.

Just figured I'd post about our 'big reunion'. It mainly consisted of "...So." in the beginning. But it's alright. We're talking now, for the most part. In any case, I should probably go.
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