May 03, 2007 18:51
So, I finally found my other best friend from home on myspace awhile ago. We hung out two weekends ago and realized that even though it's been 4839574938 years since we've talked, we are still wonderfully awesome. ^_^ Even though she's completely lazy, lol. We've lived in the same state for THREE YEARS and NEVER knew. She knew that I was in the area and I thought that she was still in GA. My bright friend didn't think of looking me up in the phone book where I happen to be listed. >_<* That would be ok except next month she's moving to New York where she's going to be going to NYU. I'm happy as hell for her, but it's like the Lord giveth and he taketh away. Although NY is only 4 hours away which is a hell of a lot closer than going to ATL. Anyway, time is still limited as we both have full time jobs, but we wanted to go on a trip before she moves away. But, again...she's LAZY so she is not prepared to go to NY. She has no place to live. So, I guess I have to help her because she's a mess, lol. Anyone know of any affordable places to live in NY?