Myrtle Beach - Day 2

May 30, 2006 19:05

Quisha woke us up because she was the only one who had alot of sleep. She wanted us to go to breakfast because I told them that the hotel offered us "free breakfast". I mean, it's not really free because I'm sure they somehow put it in the total. But, I wanted my breakfast since I paid for it. Crissy parked in a non-parking space so the people called to tell us that parking spaces were available. So we all went downstairs. I changed the original reservation saying that only 2 people were in the room. So, I wasn't sure if Crissy could get food. Quisha and I got a little extra so we could share with Crissy. We took the food upstairs to the room and shortly Crissy came in with a full plate. We had to say our names to the lady downstairs to get the food so I was confused. She said that she just walked up there and the lady asked her what she wanted. Nice!

Because we didn't want to get blown like yesterday, we decided that we were going to do our own thing and hook up with everyone else whenever. Also, we knew that it was supposed to rain, so we wanted to make sure that we had time at the beach. I sent Laura a text telling her what we were doing. I didn't want to be rude like they were to us, but I didn't want to call and wake up everybody. I thought that would be rude. So we went to the beach. We passed by a dead jellyfish. That freaked me out. We set up our towels by this older white couple and asked them to take pics of us. The water was freezing and Quisha had her mad face on. But, the waves kept hitting us and we quickly got used to it. Guys were coming by asking to take our pictures. I hate taking pictures, but they kept wanting me in the shot too. Then all of a sudden the bitch-ass ocean slapped the shit out of me and stole my glasses. I was blown. My leg was scraped up from the shells as I wrestled with the wave. I was left blind and bruised. I was so blown that I sunbathed and thought about what the fuck could I do. I'm like blind without my glasses and broke. I couldn't remember when I purchased those glasses so I don't know if my insurance will cover a new pair or not. After awhile we decide to go to the indoor jacuzzi. It was nice to boil. Then we went to an outside pool. Lots of guys came to see us. It was kinda annoying. I mean, all three of us are pretty low key and don't get all hyped up cuz someone wants to holla at us. Some of the guys left to find some easier prey. We just swam and floated on. The girls kept saying that my friends were so lame and were begging me to come home with them. Lord knows that I wanted to. I'm ready to go. I'm tired of wasting my life here.

Anyway, after a few hours I check my phone and Laura left a message saying that they were going to the South part of the beach to chill. Well, bully for them. I didn't want to go to another part of the beach because I would hate it after the fact being all wet and sandy getting in that car. So, I'm happy that I went when I did except for the fact the ocean stole my sight. I started feeling sick and wanted to go in. I told the kids that they could stay, but I needed some alone time. I wanted to wash up, wash my hair and take a nap. The elevators were so god-forsakenly slow that when I finally got upstairs the kids got off another elevator. There went that alone time. We all decided to take a nap. We woke up hungry so I styled my hair so we could go get some grub. I called Laura to see what they were doing and they were actually in the pool in between our suites. But, of course, I couldn't see them and the girls were so blown that they weren't hanging with us that they didn't really want to say anything. I waved and we went to leave. As we got to the elevator, the heavens opened and it rained on them. We laughed, lol. By the time we got outside, the rain had stopped. I called Laura to tell her what we were doing and that the rain stopped. They said that they were probably going to Chili's later. So, I decided that we should get something kinda light so we could hook up with them later. We went up and down the street. Quisha had a funky attitude for most of the day, but since she's usually a bitch, I didn't pay her no mind. Well, AB got locked up...again, so she was miffed by that. Crissy was trying to keep calling Femi because it seemed like he was going out and she didn't want him too. Well, I didn't trust her driving with all of the maniac bikers around. So, I kept forcing her to get off of the phone. We went to the gas station and some fat slob with lambourgini doors on his car almost hit us trying to get to a gas pump that we weren't even trying to get. Fat fucker. Lots of suped up cars were there but, they sucked. I mean, ugh. They need to go to ATL so they can see how it's done. Hell, Miami at least. Just ugggggggggggly cars. There were so many dudes and not enough females. Ass ugly sistas were getting attention like they were the finest bitches on earth. But, I digress. So, we eat in the Wendy's parking lot next to these dudes. We were just using them for their music. Anyway, when their cd started repeating we asked them to skip a track. They took it as an invitation to talk to us. They kept trying to get us out of the car. Nope. They weren't cute enough. One of the dudes unlocked and opened Crissy's door. I said, "Humph. It wouldn't be me. Your face would be beating up my hands right about now." Gosh, I love that line! So, he closed and locked the door back. We finally took some pictures with them after them begging and shit. It was just embarrassing. I talked to Laura to see what they were doing. Nothing as usual. So, we headed to Ocean.

We were blasting this dude from ATL. He's not signed or anything, but the kids have his mixed cd. Some of it was kinda nice and it got us attention. Oh, yeah, my name is "Good Pussy" now. LMAO, I LOVE IT! Just call me GP for short ;) After a while of gliding along driving, we parked by the amusement park. I was not trying to get a ticket and I saw tow trucks galore. We primped in the garage and went out on the strip. It was hot as Hades. So, I had a "healthy glow" from the heat. Quisha was mad cuz dudes kept on grabbing her. Oh, I didn't mention it but on the first day this dude said to Quisha, "Have you been riding a horse? Cuz you bowlegged as shit, baby" and other yakipoo like that. He touched Quisha and that's a no-no. She looked at his hand on her and instantly looked back at me. I didn't miss a beat with "You really might not want to touch her. Just back away." He was like "I wasn't touching her." So, I said, "But, chu were. You've been warned." And we walked away. Again, she was grabbed and she looked to me to give the disclaimer. Quisha does things without thinking of the consequences when I'm not around. If she was alone she would've either cursed someone out, punch them in the eye, or a mismash of both. She's done it several times before and I'm sure she'll do it several more times. Crissy is nicer especially if you're cute, but she'll cuss you too. She had these cuties on her that Quisha even smiled for. I mean, I didn't have my glasses but, they were so fine that they gave me 20/20 vision for a second. Man, we saw some nasty ass hos and THAT'S why those guys were acting the way they did. I mean, if you are dressed for the weather, the guys don't know if you are trying to get attention or what. I tell you hos like them make it hard for hos like us. I just wanted to get a spot to sit down and talk about people, but nooooo. Everytime we tried to stop 50-11 dudes would come with "oh, you're so beautiful!", "where you going? can I go?", "man, baby, you just gkaifudosajsa..." and so on. I did meet one dude that was like wow. His name was Marcus. Unfortunately, he had a friend like Jay with him screaming in the background, "STOP LOOKING FOR LOVE OUT HERE, MAN! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO SEE HER AGAIN AND SHE'S NEVER GOING TO SEE YOU. LET'S GO!" So true...sadly. Anyway, Quisha and Crissy were scheming up some guys to get a Black Bike Week t-shirt so I called Laura. They were at some restaurant. Guys started getting bolder as it started to get later and I had not really seen the crew all day (I missed my Q!). We left to meet up with them at the restaurant. Guys stopped asking to take pics and would just snap them and Quisha started yelling and chasing them down. Then, when she saw them about to take a picture she would snap a picture of them so their picture would be messed up. INGENIOUS! LMAO! It was so funny. She pissed alot of ppl off. One dude just stood in front of us while we waited for Crissy. He said calmly, "...I'm waiting for the flash." ROTFLMAO! Quisha started walking away and the dude said "That's ok. There'll be more." LOL. It was just a really funny trip. We met them at the restaurant and they were just finishing eating. I wasn't hungry, but I was thirsty. I didn't want to eat there though. We regaled them with our stories of our day and they just looked at us. Laura giggled a bit, but for the most part we were ignored. Quisha had her grill in so I made her smile for Laura. After a few minutes, I realized that it was a waste of time trying to be cordial. I told them what news I had about the night. The G-spot was supposed to be hype, but as we learned from some dudes last night it was in the country and I wasn't about to go there. Kryptonite had the Ying Yang Twins and doors were already open at that time. Planet Hollywood was free before 11 and $5 before 1. It was also a Kappa party being held there. Kimmeh luvs da Kappas. Laura does too so we were already like, we going. It was in my price range, I knew where it was, and it was right next door to Kryptonite just in case. We left to get dressed.

The humidity fucked up my hair, so Crissy helped me out and we went over to the other suite. In hindsight, I should have sent them a text and met them at the spot. Melvin and John didn't want to go. I guess after the mess yesterday, they didn't want to be bothered. Q didn't want to go either, but because I asked and he loves me, he went. *yay!* So all the girls plus D and Q went. We left for the club at 10:57. >_<* No free for us. Then they bullshitted in the parking lot. WTF are y'all talking about?! We got in and it was 10 bucks for ladies, 20 for the guys. Before we went in, we found out that Kryptonite was $30 and $100. O_O When they started playing the ATL music, we got crunk. The girls put on a show and Q was amazed. He watched them and before you know it he was dancing along with them. It was so fun! The Kappas started stepping so the kids and I wanted to get closer. The next thing we knew we were dead in the front by the speakers. The dj started to suck when we moved. But, when a good song came on, I had my dance partner Q. We sandwiched him in the middle and we all danced with him. Crissy was dancing with an ugly dude and the next thing you know she was on Q until he left, lol. The club closed at 2, but we weren't tired. I tried to get Laura and them to come with us to Ocean, but I could tell that they didn't want to. So again, fuck them and we went. Well, something wasn't right. I wasn't feeling it and felt that we needed to go back to the hotel. Plus, Quisha was falling asleep and the dudes were calling her out and trying to get in the back seat with her.

We roll up close to the hotel and I see two familiar guys: Melvin and Quentin. They are walking up the street. Melvin was in his chill clothes and no shoes on. I asked them if they wanted a ride. Melvin tells Q to get in and brief us on the drama. He tells me to drive around the garage and find Derek before John does. I thought Melvin had his contacts in but he was just as blind as me and blown. I was a little scared, but I said ok. Q said that D just snapped in the car. Nikko wanted to go see the dude she was fucking and his friend likes Laura so she wanted her to go too. Marquia thought that they were going to follow us but when she found out they weren't, she wanted to go back to the hotel. Q said that he would too. Derek, as usual, was quiet. When they got to the hotel, Nikko said "get out" or "bye,derek" or something to that effect and that's when Derek snapped and said "You're not going to talk to me like I'm retarded!". From there, shit hit the fan. Nikko didn't want Derek to go in the first place and all throughout the trip everyone was taking digs at him. I always tease him, so it's no biggie. I don't mean it. Derek and I are cool. Anyway, from my understanding, Laura was quiet throughout the whole ordeal. They got out the car and fingers were in faces, they were really going at it and Laura just sat there. W. T. F. Later, Nikko told me that she was blown at that. I would've been too. But, back to the story. Nikko kicked Derek out of the car and told him to get the guys car since he paid for it. Well, D didn't pay anything on the car. He didn't help drive, he didn't provide gas, he did nothing. John rented that car for the trip. D went in the suite and took John's keys. John was like "what the fuck? give me my damn keys". D said no and was trying to go somewhere. Q said that he was on the phone talking to a few girls that he was trying to hook up with and he suspects that he was going to see one or more of them. I'm thinking it's correct because while he and Laura aren't a couple, they both get jealous and they do those mind games. Derek is quiet, but he's not slow, he observes things. At first, I thought he was special, but he just plays dumb to get more info. He's smarter than the average bear. Anyway, Nikko was saying shit about G all weekend and then when she says that she's taking Laura to see him, I think he exploded. I could be wrong. It's quite possible because I wasn't there and I didn't get a chance to have a talks alone like we usually do after the drama happened, so I can't say for certain. Anyway, when we rolled up, John had Derek cornered by some cars. Quentin jumped out of the car and ran to hold John back. Ok, John is kinda short, like my height 5'7-5'8, but he's muscular and you can just tell that he will beat a nigga down. He's very low key and kind of quiet - the kind of dude that you just don't fuck with. So, he had taken off his earrings and dog tags. We went to park the car, while we were in there I was briefing the girls on the back ground stuff. Laura had left me a VM so I called her and she was on the phone with D so, she had to call me back. We park and then Q calls me saying that D won't give up the keys could we block their car in so he wouldn't take it. We parked on the 6th level so we drove allllll the way down and Melvin and Quentin says, "It's ok, he gave up the keys." John was so pissed that he couldn't talk. So, they walked with him and Derek walked up the street in the opposite direction. After all that Nikko and Laura STILL went to where they said they were going to go. I wanted to go talk to the people in the other suite, but we decided to stay in our little corner.

family, travel, myrtle beach

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