Mar 15, 2006 18:00
Kitty's thoughts, in no particular order.
Why are we drawn to people? What about them, physically, makes them interesting to us? There are several people that I think of, just something about them. There's one person at school who has such amazing eyes. They're soft, gentle, but something about them always seems a little bit sad. And when he smiles it's such a cute smile. Shy, but pure and gentle. I'd love to get to know this person, but he's not in any of my classes and I only see him in the halls, so it's kinda hard to do.
There's another person I'm curious about. I don't know him at all, but I know people that know him, and he seems pretty cool from the chats we've had. But again, we run into the fact that we never talk. We have a class together, but the social barrier's there. Oh well.
Social barriers. Cliques. They're evil. They're not nearly as bad here as they were in Alabama, though. At my old school, where you belonged was clearly defined. You had the jocks and the cheerleaders, clearly a collection of the most popular students of the class. To be a cheerleader was to be preppy and pretty and popular, worshipped by the boys on game days when you wore your uniform. You had the goths/rockers. I was a little bit in that group, but barely. I only talked to a few kids in there. It's not that it was über exclusive or anything, they were pretty cool, but it just wasn't my thing. You also had the intellectuals. The really smart kids who always answered in class, never forgot their homework, were quiet and reserved most of the time. Let's not forget the band geeks, who I hung out with. All my friends were in band, and we had a family there. Cool kids. But in the social spectrum we weren't too high up there. I wasn't looking to be popular, heavens no, but the cliques were just..eww. Something about the way we governed ourselves made it taboo to try and be with another clique. If you were a band geek, you didn't try to hang out with the cheerleaders. Not all of us were geeky, and we were all pretty down-to-earth, but I think we just fell into the nameless mass of faces that crowded the halls whenever we weren't in band.
Scituate is a little bit more obscure. Yeah, you do have some cliques, but people aren't as exclusive here. My friends are more like family to me, and maybe that's how it is in other groups too, but I don't really care much about being in a group. It's just interesting to note how people arrange themselves.
So go ahead. Comment with any thoughts, feelings, questions, concerns. I'd love to hear what you have to say.