Still Busy

May 22, 2012 22:32

I am still busy with work and getting ready to move so not  much on LJ. I still manage to post things to Tumblr. Hopefully within the next 3 weeks everything will be straightened out and i will post more silly scenes on here. Until then enjoy this pciture comparison that made me laugh so hard

For those of you not in the USA, the first pic is of a very idiotic guy named Rick Santorum who tried to run for president but thankfully didn't make it that far. He said some very dumb things I mean beyond dumb.
The second pic is of the infamous shota anime Boku no Pico.
Taking into consideration Rick's rants about the evils of  homosexuality, comparing these two pics is just too hilarious especially if you have ever seen Pico  O_o

original source ---->

yaoi boku no pico

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