From Twitter 11-02-2010

Nov 03, 2010 02:01

  • 05:00:48: @ sgraps Jeopardy in My Pants: The Stefan Goodreau Story #moviesinmypants
  • 12:58:51: Can't decide which WWE shirt to wear to go voting.
  • 15:18:21: I decided to vote on the way to work, so I decided against wearing a WWE t-shirt to the polls.
  • 15:44:25: Absolutely, positively did NOT wear a WWE t-shirt to go vote today!
  • 16:00:26: I'm not gonna say Rosa DeLauro is a witch, but SHE never made an ad that said "I am not a witch". Something to consider!
  • 19:36:17: I hear WWE fan turnout is high. McMahon is still losing, but it looks like "Suck it" may win comptroller as a write in candidate.

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