Character sheet

Nov 13, 2007 18:54

@___x You could look it through for me if I need to add something to make it simpler. :D;;; Of course I shall tweak both the table and the text still later considering whatever we'll decide on the point costs and how to deal with them anyhow and yeah... but here's the sceleton for it:

H O W   T O   R E A D   C H A R A C T E R   S H E E T S

A character sheet is a tool often used in RPGs, where each character's attributes are given a numeric designation. Players start out with the same total number of points, which they may then distribute to their character's attributes as they wish.

We recommend that you do create your own character sheet in your application, but it is not mandatory to do so. If you choose not to include it with your application, the mods will create one for you, based on the information you provide in your application.

However, it is mandatory for you to then use these character sheets as a reference point, going forward in the RP. It will help other players and yourself in picturing both your own character and the others. In conflict situations, you don't have to brawl over the details but can just compare figures.

It's not recommended that you post this information in your character journal, however. It's better to keep them just for your own knowledge to avoid the temptation of using meta information in the game. Nor do you have to reveal these stats to other players even if they ask for them. Only when comparing warfare, for example, you might have to give out the exact value, and still you can just hint toward the right direction.

Even if it's not mandatory to count all this on your own (only recommended) you need to know how to read the character sheet.

  • There are 4 attributes that define the character: psyche, endurance, warfare and strength. Every character begins from zero in each attribute. Zero value will be considered as the value for an average person from here on. Characters can have either negative or positive value in each attribute.

There are 3 other factors to consider beyond the 4 attributes, and they are as follows:

  • A special skills section will determine the abnormal abilities what the character might have. The higher the value, the bigger the power. This should also be noted while comparing characters' skills.

  • Social merits and flaws are the connections the character has, influence, status, friends with high status. This can also be taken as a negative value, assuming your character would have enemies or social flaws of other kinds.

  • Last but not least, there's stuff. Either good or bad stuff, or sometimes neutral stuff. This means the luck of the character, general mood, karma, the way they interact with the universe. If there is an arrow randomly shot to a group of characters, the one with the highest score of bad stuff will be the target. In a contest of skills like warfare ends in an even score, bad stuff or good stuff could determine the winner.


Attributes define the strengths and weaknesses of your character. There are only 4 for simplicity's sake, which means that every attribute also means more than just what the name might suggest.


    This is the rating for the character's mental strength. It also measures the character's will, and ability to control whatever special power they might wield. It's the portrayal of the character's intelligence, capacity in ki-control and sheer power of their will. Every good leader for example should have a high rating in psyche. It also measures the character's awareness in both mundane things and abnormal. Completely nonmagical characters might be able to detect magic if they have a high psyche rating.

    - Your psyche should be at least /so and so/ if you wish your character to control their ki in any effective way.

    - If magical abilities will have to be compared in hostile situation psyche is what determines the outcome.


    Strength rates muscles. How strong your character is physically. Don't be fooled with the simplicity of this statement. Hand to hand combats should be determined by strength. Strength also determines the extent of damage the character is capable of inflicting.

    - If a contest of warfare will end up even, strength will determine the result of the battle (if that goes even as well, then there's stuff to consider).

    - Zero strength is enough to wield a katana in a battle but mostly in a self-defense kind of way, especially if against someone with greater strength. Smaller weapons are lighter and thus easier to handle with lesser strength. Spears and staffs, longer swords or katana in one hand will need at least /so and so/ strength.


    This rate determines the character's health as well as durability in both physical and mental activities. How long can they keep fighting? How long can they maintain their special powers? How fast they heal from any injuries or diseases? With a good endurance it's harder to get infected with any disease.

    - With below zero endurance your character will most probably lose a contest of warfare to a character with lower rating in warfare if they can't make up a way to get out of the battle quickly. The same goes with any contest between magical powers.


    Warfare is not only the measure of how well your character can handle their weapons, but also how well versed they are in tactics and strategy. This is the number to be compared whether in battle, planning the battle or a quiet game of shougi.

    -High rating in warfare means your character is probably well versed in several weapons.

H O W   T O   B U I L D   C H A R A C T E R   S H E E T S

In the beginning you're given 100 points that you'll be using for your character sheet. Before you start it'll look like this:

Psyche:                            0
Strength:                          0
Endurance:                       0
Warfare:                           0

Powers:                            -

Social merits/flaws:          -

Stuff:                                neutral

Everything except powers can be reduced to a minus value as well, which means a serious drawback in that specific sector. Below zero strength means you're weaker than people generally are, below zero psyche that you're lacking in the brain section. Every point matters. If a dude with warfare 45 fights a character with warfare 46 it's logical to assume the one with higher score is just that little bit better/knows something the other doesn't.

  1. First you buy the attributes from the point total. Positive rate will cost you points, and from negative you gain points. For example, if you think you want a good fighter character, you buy a warfare 30, endurance 30 and strength 20 and take -10 points from psyche. (I don't say this is a good way to go. I'd personally invest in every attribute. ;D But for the example's sake). In the end you have paid 70 points of the attributes. 30 + 30 + 20 - 10 = 70. Which means that from your total 100 you still have 30 points to use for everything else.

  2. Special powers will cost you everything from ten points to eighty or more points. This section probably needs a lot of consultation with the mods. Do not hesitate to contact us to ask how much would a power you want will cost. See more about the powers and how much they might cost here. However, a common rule would be that the more points you lose on buying the power, the more strength the power will hold.

    This section also contains both magical and nonmagical skills. Ninja skills should be considered nonmagical however wild they sound, because the basic idea in them is that they have been acquired with endless hours of training and they are not an inborn ability. However, this does not mean that ninja skills cost less or more, merely that their reference attribute could be something other than psyche.

    It's recommended that you contact the mod if you have any problems considering this section.

  3. Social merits and drawbacks. Influence and status are probably the most powerful thing in this game. Yet they cost less than any other 'power'. Why? Because obtaining such a merit is not yet a merit in itself, but how you decide to use it. And that is all up to you.

    How much does it cost then?


    Daimyo                              1
    Clan leader                        5/7 (ninja/samurai)
    Head priest                        7 (their own shrine somewhere)

    Well known...
    Merchant                           2
    Artist                                2
    Samurai                             3
    Ninja                                 2
    Priest                                3
    Something else...?


    Friends with...
    Daimyo                               3
    Clan leader                          2
    Head priest                         2

    Any other well
    known or respected
    person with a status             1

    And if you want your character personally working for any of the list above, just halve the cost and assume they enjoy some sort of trust from their employers. (No need to pay anything for well known people, just a good story why. :D )

    You can take negative status or contacts as well. Assuming you're either shunned by the society somehow or you have enemies.

    Negative status:

    Oh well... I gotta read up on this one as well. :D;

    Negative contacts:

    Disliked/enemies with...

    Daimyo                           -5/-10

    The difference between 'dislike' and 'enemies with' basically means that either they just don't look upon your character with favorable eye and you most often get shunned by them, or they hate your character's guts and will go out on their way to come after you to murder or disgrace your character.

  4. And the last, but not least, there's stuff. You can either store all the points you have left in this point here, or draw upon bad stuff to take points for something else. But take a notice that even one point of bad stuff counts. If you have five it automatically means that something bad is seriously going to happen to your character. When the mods will determine plotlines we'll look upon that bad stuff and the characters who have good stuff will be granted with rewarding plotlines where they most often surface with a smile upon their lips rather than the miserable, and quite often dangerous plotlines we'll throw upon the characters with bad stuff.

Examples of character sheets:

Yukimura Seiichi


Unique fencing style........10

Social merits:
Status: Daimyo..............10

Stuff:good stuff..............5


Mizuki Hajime


Item: magical protection...15

Social merits:
Status: owner of Kikyo.......5
Clan leader1....................2
Clan leader2....................2
Other contacts:.............10(containing random merchants, samurais, ninjas artists and everything in between)
Information contacts:
Network of spies and

Stuff:good stuff............10

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