I digress...

Feb 06, 2007 23:07



- For Kei :: Mukuro (or Chrome, but I don't know who Chrome is yet. D;)
- For Ayu :: Atobe-sama (PoT, IT'S BEEN FOREVER o.o) or Hibari
- For techie :: RIKU ♥
- For teh Jackie :: Ishida or Watanuki (although I'm leaning toward Watanuki-kuuuun~ ♥)

And I just found out about the sophomore second semester English project! >0<9 QUALITY. Whee? But we can do anything we want as long as we give it our all! :DDD

And if anyone reads this... How do I get Firefox to show Quicktime plugins? They all show up as Qs with question marks in them. j3j

OH. GO READ JUNJOU ROMANTICA. ♥ I really love the storyline~ X3 Especially Junjou Egoist's story. Ahh~



(001) Your gender: Female

(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Hm... Straight -- for now~

(003) Single?: Yep

(004) Want to be?: Sometimes

(005) Age?: Sweet Sixteen

(006) Age you wish you were: Er... 12 -- before the hormones.

(009) The color of your eyes: Dark brown

(010) Piercings: One in each ear (I think it would be cool to have more, but I'm too much of a wimp to get more D:)

(012) Tattoos: No.


(013) Smoke: NO

(015) Read the newspaper: Only when it's assigned for homework *shame*

(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: I guess. It doesn't happen much, though.

(018) Take walks in the rain: Yes~ <3

(019) Drive: D: no

(020) Like to drive fast?: in video games? :D

(021) Hurt yourself: ;____;||| No


(022) Been out of the country: yep

(023) Been in love: I don't think so

(024) Done drugs: Not the illegal kind

(025) Gone skinny dipping: HAHA -- no

(026) Had a surgery: Nope (at least... not until spring break, when I might get my wisdoms pulled T___T)

(027) Ran away from home: No

(028) Played strip poker: nah

(029) Gotten beat up: No

(031) Been on stage: a looooooong time ago

(032) Slept outdoors: I don't think so -- maybe when I was small

(034) Pulled an all-nighter: tried, failed, crashed. XD;

(036) Talked on the phone all night: not ALL night, say....

(038) Slept all day: When I was sick -- went to bed at six on saturday, woke up at three on sunday, ate dinner, went to sleep and slept 'til twelve the next day.

(039) Killed someone: I don't think so

(040) Made out with a stranger: no

(041) Had sex with a stranger?: no

(042) Kissed the same sex: no

(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no

(044) Been betrayed: maybe

(045) Broken the law: HAHA;;;; jaywalking and minor stuff OTL

(047) Been on radio/tv: er... yes? ROSE PARADE! >0<

(048) Been in a mosh-pit: nope

(049) Had a nervous breakdown: what constitutes a nervous breakdown? (I've always wanted to use that word)

(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: ...;;; No

(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: A continuing one, yes./

(052) Favorite shoe brand?: None, really -- as long as they're comfy, I'll wear them.

(053) Favorite music: Alternative/Jpop

(054) Wear hats: They don't fit on my head. XD;

(055) Judged other people by their clothing: yes

(057) Are you trendy: Nope, not at all.


(058) Life on other planets: ummm...

(059) Miracles: Maybe

(060) Astrology: when I think about it hard enough/

(061) Magic: no

(062) God: no

(063) Love: sometimes

(064) Ghost: unfortunately?

(065) Rebirth: Yes

(066) Love at first sight: never experienced it yet

(067) Ying and Yang?: yes

(068) Witches: no

(069) The Easter Bunny: no

(071) Do you consider love a mistake: when I experience it, I'll let you know? XD

(072) What do you find romantic: hugging/holding hands/cuddling

(074) Turn-offs: B.O., bad attitude, whiny-ness

(075) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: no

(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattractive?: ^^;;;;

(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: They're funny and straight-forward (most of the time)

(078) What is the last present someone got you?: an iPod nano

(079) Do you like/love someone?: Of course~ My family and friends


(080) That you laughed at: Myself

(081) That laughed at you: Kat/Daisy

(082) That turned you on: GUY~ *shot*

(082.5) That kissed you: N/A

(083) That you went shopping with: ummm... the juniors?

(084) To disappoint you: Er... me?

(085) To make you cry: ERGH

(086) To brighten up your day: My tomodachi~

(087) You saw a movie with: the juniors + Kat

(088) You talked to on the phone: Mom

(090) You talked to on text message: Kuripan

(091) Your best friend(s): Kuripan = best best, honestly, but Kat comes close~

(092) Smiled: reading cute BL manga~

(093) Laughed: when I thought a car at pickup was my mom's, and saw another girl get in. D: Good thing I didn't walk up to the car.

(094) Cried: um.... last week sometime

(095) Bought something: I have no idea

(096) Danced: Band banquet (or... I tried to =___=|||)

(097) Who is your crush: I'm not sure I have one right now. D:
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