I SWEAR I'LL MAIL THEM. I SWEAR. ....but they'll probably get there late. *FAIL* OTL I'm so sorry! But I have them sketched out! I do! DDDDD:
KINGDOM HEARTS. YOU NEED TO BE DONE SO I CAN PLAY KHII. :<<< GUUUGH. But it was really really fun along the way~ :D ... kinda? Hollow Bastion = SO COOL~ but riding on the lift things gets really annoying after a while. And those stupid wyverns keep hovering above the edge, and when I try to hit them, I fall off. DX And I get hit off, too. *cries* But now I have to beat the Hades cup. ... but I can't beat Hades TF *LAME* D: and he's only 10th seed.
ToA! ♥ GUY S:DOIFJ"ALSKFDJ"ALKSJDJ~ ♥♥♥ EMI LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! And Luke. XD I LOVE ToA~ and I'm only like, half an hour in?
... ♥ I love my PS2 like a fat kid loves cake~ ♥