
Jul 19, 2006 22:25

... Daaaaaaaamn. ♥

sublimeparadigm recommended this series, or rather, the Bake Neko arc (episodes nine through eleven). I just watched it. And I... *__________* Just... WOW. At one point, I was even... I-- I WAS EVEN TEARY-EYED AND SHIT. But that could have been because I'm a sucker for scenes like that. But it... it... *speechless*


Admittedly, it was a little slow until... maybe the midway point of the second episode? But by the third episode, I was glued to the computer. *^* A little creepy, but not nearly as creepy as I imagined it would be. Well... It was creepy though. o___o But it was reeeeeeeeeally good. Really really.

I had a hard time adjusting to the art at first, as well. XD; BUT IT WAS SO AMAZING. SERIOUSLY~ GO WATCH IT.


>____< Ohhh... And I'm really sorry about my emo post back there. *shame*

BAD NEWS: Chem finals on Friday. Me = not prepared and not studying = OHSHIT

GOOD NEWS: Friday = last day of summer school = week of break coming up = TIME TO WORK ON XOVER! :D
+ GOING TO HAKUBUNDO ON SATURDAYYYY~~~~ >0<9 Does anyone have any manga recommendations? I'll try to look for them there... *3* I'm hoping they'll have Air Gear and/or Reborn. Ufufufu...
+ I HAVE THE XXXHOLIC MOVIE ON MY COMPY. RABUUUU~~~~~~ I'M GONNA WATCH IT SOON. ♥♥ Watanukiii~~~ ♥ Doumekiii~~~ ♥ >w< SQUEE~

everyday life

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