
Sep 01, 2010 23:47

If a journal exists and no one writes in it, does it make a sound?

I was reading up on the Extra Life whasis. I'm probably going to represent CoM this year, maybe raise a good chunk of change? Though... 24 hours of gaming... I think the most I've gone is 14, maybe 18? I'm not a coffee drinker, but I like tea! Here's hoping I don't have a coronary. I have until October to prepare.

SPEAKING OF OCTOBER. Fallout: New Vegas. Can. Not. Wait. It looks more shiny by the day, and, if Nits is anyone to go by, it'll be awesome.

I pre-ordered Super Scribblenauts. For the headphones. Is it sad that I'm more excited about the headphones than the actual game? Hrm.

Have to write papers. Lots of papers. And study. Lots of studying. Its only the second week and I want the semester to be over. Thats... not a good sign.

I like snow cones.
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