Nov 04, 2012 18:29
DISCLAIMER: Due to a failed summoning attempt I am now in possession of one demented winged demon Duo who flies around trying to kill me when he is done corrupting me with these horrible plot bunnies. He also would like point out that I did not get the real GW boys so I can never /ever/ possibly make monies from this. Also if there happens to be somewhere in the world a club by the name of "The Building" or anyone other place that happens to have the same name or concept it was not intentionally used and is as previously stated /still/ not making any money from it. If you sue me you will only get a huge amount of debt which I would happily hand over if you would only ask.
A/N:: So here we go with the next chapter! I am really just having fun with this. I am going through some tough times right now so my stress level is pretty high. My external that has had all of my writings on it since I was 12, I am going to be 25 in December, has bunked on me so I was pretty depressed about that and I just didn't feel like writing. But I am slowly getting over it. But anyways this is going to be my just fun stuff story. There will lots of humor in here and most likely some WTF too. I may even surprise y'all and through some curve balls. It will mostly likely get some angst somewhere because it will have plot eventually but for now it will just be funny. Also on a side not. The name brand for Zanya Dawn Fritjof? That is my pen name on Deviant Art. It was my own little lol. So enjoy!
Wufei is what you would call a martial artist. Kung Fu is strong with him. Well not Kung Fu per se you see, because he was raised learning Tai Chi and then in school discovered Judo. The combination is not entirely common but Wufei Chang is anything but common. As expressed in the previous anecdote Asshole Extraordinaire is, well extraordinary. His Freshman year in high school he quickly mastered the many levels and intricacies of Judo and by the time he reached his Junior year he was Captain of the team and led his school to championship. That is national championship by the way. Match that with his insane IQ and don't even get me start on his SAT and ACT scores, he was head hunted by the best schools with a full scholarship.
So let me break this down for you.
Martial artist master mind. Could bring down at least 5 men with one hand tied behind his back easy and never break stride. Can bench press his own weight and do that whole break through three pieces of wood someone is holding thing. Catches punches, kicks, knives, forks, spoons, rocks, bodies, bullets with his bare hands. Okay maybe not bullets but you get the picture. This man is practically a god and he knows.
And he was taken out by a flying shoe. Karma is indeed a bitch.
Although to be honest it /was/ a very nice shoe. An exclusive Zanya Dawn Fritjof, four inch, diamond incrusted, blue satin high heel weighing a good six pounds and was flying a good clip which unfortunately connected with that magical spot on his temple causing instantaneous black out. Yet if anyone had a been filming this, said person would have been a very rich person indeed.
Can we say YouTube?
"Holy shit did you see that?!" A random passerby asked in shocked a voice.
"Was that shoe?" A person answered in a rather impressed voice.
"Someone call 911!" An an authoritative tone demanded kneeling down beside the unconscious man sprawled on his on the sidewalk.
"Oh my God is that a Zanya Dawn Fritjof!?" A squealing excited screech sounded reaching for the discarded weapon… err shoe.
"Yes, and it is mine." An icy, distinctly British voice replied. "Back off, if you want your limbs to remain attached." The tone was sufficient enough in scattering the rest of the gawkers as a young woman of medium height in her mid-twenties walks up tight blue strapless mini dress a midnight blue velvet shawl around shoulders and holding the mate to the other shoe in one hand with a scowl on her face drawing her skin taught across her high cheek bones. Despite being barefoot she was walking, more like floating, across the sidewalk with ease and confidence her long platinum blond hair trailing behind like a waterfall. She swiftly scoops up the other shoe before anyone else starts eying it again.
"Easy Kitten, you already nearly killed someone tonight let's not add someone else to it." A cheerful voice snarked giving her a peck on the cheek. This new addition was a tall, at least 6'1 sun kissed man with a lanky build, he wore his height well, carrying himself with pride, shoulders back, arms swinging slightly as met her strides easily. He wore a black leather jacket covering a simple violet gauzy dress shirt that was open over a simple white undershirt that did nothing but compliment his black tight dress pants. His hair was kept in a long thick braid that swayed as he walked messy bangs falling over his forehead drawing attention to shocking violet eyes.
In all of this commotion the man who demanded someone to call 911 still kneeling down beside the unconscious man was staring at the two people in shock unable to comprehend just how at ease they were at throwing a /shoe/ at someone! They even joked they almost killed him? Do they even know him? Should he call the police? Should he worry about them trying to kill him? Is it even possible to kill someone by a shoe? Is ramblings were cut short because his shock at the two people was nowhere near the level of shock of what happened when he turned back to the unconscious person and find a pair of deep emerald green eyes staring right at him mere inches from his face. He gives an undignified squawk levitates a good twenty feet off the ground and lands some distance away his hand clutching at his chest where his heart used to reside but was now trying to climb out of his throat.
The owner of the green eyes nodded once as if to say "Yes that is good stay there for now, that is exactly what I wanted you to do" and started probing at unconscious man's temple gently, frowning. He carefully tilts his chin to the side, so he check the full extent of the damage and to see if he had hit his head too hard when he hit the ground. His frown turned to scowl as his delicate fingers probed the goose egg at the back of his head. He looked up at the braided man wordlessly who sighed and pulled off his jacket and handed it to the green eyed man. He laid it over the unconscious man carefully and cocked his head listening for the tale tell sirens, hearing them he let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh bullocks." Kitten whispered in a horrified voice as she knelt down and brushed a stray hair out of the unconscious man's face. "Oh bugger me." She put a hand to her mouth her ice blue eyes filling up with tears. "He i-isnt Wan. Oh god. I thought he was Wan. That's why I threw my shoe."
"Oh hell."
Braided man knelt down beside her gazed down at him too. "No he sure as hell isn't. Damn we have some explaining to do." Just then the paramedics arrived with flashing lights and sirens two men jumped out with bags running over and Braided man stood pulling Kitten up with him keeping an arm around her waist.
Green eyes stood as well with an almost feline grace that suited his 6'3 frame that was slightly more built than Braided man's. His brown hair was a couple of shades darker than Braided man's that was kept well groomed and short on the sides but a bit along the top with his bangs swept to the side of his face so that they curved ending at the edge of his right eyebrow. He was wearing a tight green t-shirt and a pair of dark brown suede pants that someone surely must have poured onto him. He was wearing a matching suede jacket which he reached into pulling out a card showing it to one of the paramedics.
"Hm… Oh Dr. Barton! Sorry I didn't recognize you without your lab coat." The paramedic blushed cutely handing know known as Dr. Barton his doctorates license back. "Did you happen to see what happened?"
Dr. Barton nodded speaking quietly telling him that he suspected a concussion and blood loss but nothing serious but he would like to go the hospital with them to have a Cats scan and X-rays done.
While they were speaking they had loaded the still unconscious Wufei, that Kitten has an amazing arm or shoe possibly both, onto the gurney and into the ambulance followed by Dr. Barton who gave a looked to Braided man who nodded once acknowledging they will follow in a taxi.