Learning to Breathe // Chp. 1: New Surroundings

Oct 06, 2010 19:54

Title: Learning to Breathe / / Chapter One: New Surroundings
Author: Kurokitsune09
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General/Romance
Focus: eventual!JongHo and SulTae - singular/separate focuses for this part
Sub-Focus: some minor character appearances, most notably Hwang Chansung and a Suju Member. (can you spot him?)
Notes: I totally have more important things to ( Read more... )

celeb: lee taemin, celeb: choi minho, world: learning to breathe, celeb: kim jonghyun, fanfic, celeb: choi sulli, fandom: shinee, celeb: hwang chansung, fandom: f(x)

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kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 01:57:19 UTC
spot! for mah unnie yaisa-forehba


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 15:30:13 UTC
DONGSAENGIE! You posted! YAY~ <3

brb reading, sweetie :D


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 15:32:06 UTC
unnie!! You came!! I thought you disappeared!! I left you a spot on my one shot TaeJongHo OT3 btw ^^


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 15:58:21 UTC
Yeah?? I didn't see! Aw sorry sweetie! Will read it immediately! <3


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 15:57:11 UTC
smirk-smile combo xD


aw dongsaengie~~ it looks really promising!

Hahaha Minho...xD Jjong caught youuu~~

Hehehe SulTae is cute :3

LOL @Chansungs describtion xDD

AH love it. Can't wait for an update!

*hugs* <3


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 17:05:33 UTC
haiii unnie!! x33333 (I love the smirk-smile combo. I think Min-ah would pull it off well don't you? haha)

Sankyuuu unnie!! and yup yup. Minho isn't all that subtle, at least not to Jonghyun-oppa no? ^^ Jonghyun-oppa's got like a Minho tracker lol ^^

I love my SulTae. XDDDDDD

I heart Channie x33333



yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 17:22:37 UTC
He would ROCK it xD

Aw I want a Minho-Jonghyun-tracker! Make me one! xD I want to stalk them to their bedroom!

Hahah you should love your SulTae! xD

Chansung is so cute riggggggght??? My absolute favourite in 2pm.....>_< xD adoreeeeeable!


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 17:25:55 UTC
He would. Taeminnie would be awesome with it ^^ and roles where he's like unpredictable right? ^^

Don't we all? I would love a Jonghyun-Minho tracker too. When I successfully make one, I'll send one to unnie too kay?

I love SulTae. They aren't loved enough.

Chansung is my favorite in 2PM too. He tops the Thai Prince!! <3333


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 17:39:12 UTC
Haha right xD

Sure. xD I'd love to have one haha

For me it depends on the wirter^^ if the writer can write Sulli good then I'll be happy xD

For me Chansung is only meant for Junho! <3


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 17:41:22 UTC
haha ^^ I meant that Channie tops the Thai Prince in personal ranking but I don't mind that either. lol ^^

Good SulTae writers would make me happy. But i find far and few. T^T

I'm personally a ChansungXJinwoon fan. Gotta love the OneDay Maknaes. ^^


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 17:53:22 UTC
OH I see. xD silly me

Can't imagine Chansung in a submissive role o.o ..well I sure can..but not in a bottom role. Well you know what I mean right? xD

I know what you meaaaaaaaan! I'm searching like crazy for Dalmatian fics! (Drama x Young won <--was that his name, if you don't know them, never mind) but noooooo nothing. OK I know they just debuted bit I can't waiiiit. xD

I think it was you who recommended ChanHo to me, wasn't it?


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 17:56:07 UTC
yupypu. ChanHo is cute and I;ll read it but I'm a little bit more biased towards the OneDay Maknae couple. ^^

and Dalmatian? I heard of them but haven't heard their songs yet. *ish a bad child* but i'm really liking Co-Ed. their song is quite catchy. ^^


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 18:03:23 UTC
They're uber cute^^ watch them live. xD and on their official youtube channel you so have to watch drama and their little dog^^ so so so so so so so so cute xD

Yeah Co-Ed are good^^ but I think the guys are a bit (a LOT) underrated. xD like just that one guy sings. And 3 other sing one line. And 2 of them don't sing even ONE line. xDDD


kurokitsune09 October 7 2010, 18:05:49 UTC
I think some of the girls are underrated too. like that one girl who looks like Goo Hara. She had so little lines and that blonde girl had every line. *sigh*

I hope their later pieces evens out the lines some. ^^


yaisa_forehba October 7 2010, 18:15:48 UTC
Well... at least she HAD lines xDD
But I agree with you^^ that blonde girl is like everywhere in the song. Well ok she HAS a good voice. But the others certainly don't suck.

I hope so too. Or else..it's just a duett..with the blonde and that one dude..who looks like 14..and has a voice like a 14 years old kid... <.< xD


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