Before the Dawn - prologue + chp. 1

Jul 17, 2010 12:14

TITLE:  Before the Dawn
RATING: PG to PG-15ish?
PAIRING/FOCUS: Jongho (Main), Cheundong/Krystal (sub) [others to be determined]
GENRE: ...adventure, au, romance?
NOTES: And here's the prologue!! We are introduced to a few characters and apparently there's a higher power at work now.

Plot and Cast List

( ( PROLOGUE ) )“Do you finally decided to leave that cave you call home have you?” a slow frown crossed the man’s lips as he gently stopped next to the young woman. Her fingers were deft as the moved against a loom and her hands pulled backwards when his hand slammed downwards on the loom, snapping a few threads. Her lips curled into a dark frown and she looked up at the taller male. “What was that for? Their lives have nothing to do with you,”

“Let’s make a bet,” her brows furrowed and her lips creased together, thinning into a line. He crossed his arms, waiting almost expectantly.

“What is up with you and bets?” she muttered darkly before she turned in her chair to face him, her hair dark and lovely against the light blue of her gown. Behind her, the strands of thread that the other broke twitched weakly, searching for its other half. She sighed, leaning back against the loom and her hand propped up her chin elegantly. “What is it this time?”

“How many threads did I break?”

She raised an eyebrow.

“About 4 or so why?” after a moment of pause, she laughed brightly. “That’s not it is it? My lord. you’re just as ridiculous as ever,”

“Don’t fix those threads. I want to bet you that none of those threads will ever find the other half that its meant for,” her laugh stopped and her eyes narrowed before she drew herself up to her full height, her loom chair toppling over. He still towered over her but she wasn’t fazed.

“That is messing with their fates. I cannot allow that,” he smirked down at her.

“So you’re giving up?” her frown darkened and she hissed air from her lips.

“No but-” his smirk widened, dark eyes twinkling beneath black hair.

“Then it’s settled. The both of us will travel down to the realm to see it unfold. I’m willing to bet the next Horizon for this country that none of them will meet up,”

She huffed, arms crossing neatly at her chest. “Then I’ll bet against you. I have no choice anyways. Their lives have been spun from my loom and they know their other half,” a smirk crossed her own lips as a low mist began to cover the both of them and he frowned at her action. “Even if their other half isn’t mortal,”

His eyes widened and he managed a, “Superior be damned! What did you do-”

She smiled mockingly and waved, “See you on the other side dear one,”

The mist swept through the room, covering everything from the house it was in to all it’s inhabitants. When it cleared, the front door creaked open before it was lightly pushed shut.

“CHIEFFFF!” a dark eye creaked open and the young man yawned before he rolled over, resting his head on his arm before he looked up towards the door. Mentally he counted down, 3...2...1, and the door burst open with a slam and a pretty young woman stormed in. He didn’t even completely look up at her, just seeing her light brown hair was enough and in response, he buried his head under a pillow. “Chief!!”

He only let out a muffled, “What is it Jin-ah?” from underneath the pillow. He let out a yelp when both his pillow and his blanket were wrenched away by the smaller girl. He jerked up and caught an end corner of his blanket. “Yah! Jinri-ah! It’s cold! What are you doing?!”

“Chief! You can’t stay in bed all day!! What about the Guild!! We have missions today!!!” the girl exclaimed, tugging at the blanket, the older man’s pillow tucked neatly under her arm. After a moment of fruitless tugging, he let the end of the blanket drop from his hands and he just curled on the bed. She made a noise of protest. “Chief!!”

“I told you not to Jinri-ah. It’s not like it’s your first day here. The chief hates being called to duty,” both occupants in the room turned and the one on the bed grinned beneath a sleepy haze of blond and brown bangs before he waved slightly. The newcomer grinned, his tall frame leaning against the doorway. The girl pouted before she threw the pillow under her arm at her Guild Chief. He only squeaked when it bounced off his head. The man at the doorway grinned and shook his head. “But seriously Chief. Jin-ah’s right. it’s almost mid-day. You can’t possibly stay here all day,” the slightly older male just groaned and grabbed his pillow, hugging it tightly. The other shook his head and said simply, “I’ll get Sun-young-ah in here and have her freeze your entire room. She’s getting better now with that spell. She can choose her target now,”

A pillow flew across the room, over the girl’s head and smacked the man in the doorway in the face. He caught it before it hit the ground and the two grinned when they saw their chief sit up, scratching his somewhat multi-colored hair, fingers digging through the thick strands and he yawned.

He looked up at the two of them, looking through his bangs and groaned, “I’m up. I’m up,”


“Isn’t today amazing Minho?” the tall youth grinned faintly as he watched his cousin and best friend somewhat prance through the streets. He lightly shook his head and snorted air from his nose. At the sound, the older man stopped, turning around to frown at him. His brows furrowed. “What? I’m not allowed be happy now am I?”

“Not at all Cheondung,” was the calm answer. The other shook his head lightly.

“You’ve become dull lately Minho-yah,” the older man said simply. “You rarely smile now and sometimes when you do, it’s fake. Is taking over your father’s lordship taking it’s toll on your itty-bitty worthless brain?”

“Not at al-” his response cut short and his eyes narrowed as the other’s comment finished registering in his mind and when he looked up at his cousin, the other male was at the end of the street, waving brightly back at him. “PARK SANGHYUN WHEN I CATCH YOU YOU’RE A DEAD MAN!” and the citizens and civilians in the streets blinked dumbly as the man they knew as the unshakable Lord of Westfall broke into a run.

There was a moment of pause almost as he passed a rather rag-tag looking group where the shorter of the two males was laughing gently at something a dark haired young woman said. Their eyes met for the briefest moment but then the contact broke. The Unshakable Lord Westfall continued to bolt after his cousin. The older male just grinned at him and waved. The chase had begun

Somewhere in this chaos that was a normal morning, a young woman watched the preceding, a frown on her lips and in a place high above the world, in an abandoned building, an old loom's dust covered strings shook and rang out in a strange tone as the strings began moving again.


Choi Jinri, better known to her guild as Sulli, blinked as her leader turned his head around so quick that he probably got whiplash. Her eyebrows rose before the older man gingerly rubbed at his nape and he turned his gaze back forward. Next to her, Park Sun-Young, known to most as Luna, followed the other’s stare. Her brows furrowed when she didn’t catch what the other was looking at, or who the older man was looking at and when she met Sulli’s stare, she shrugged.

“What were you staring at Chief?” Mir, who’s real name was Bang Cheulyong, asked cheekily as he looked down at the head of Kim Jonghyun. The older man seemed o contemplate how to respond but then he shook his head.

“It’s nothing. Just felt a little bit odd for a moment there,” was the answer before the shorter man grinned. “C’mon let’s get breakfast shall we?”

“But Chief it’s like mid-day already and we haven’t started any mission that were requested last night!” Jonghyun just grinned and ruffled Luna’s hair before his hands locked behind his head.

“Aw, don’t worry. We can just eat a bit faster then deal with the missions alright?” the present three members of his guild all groaned but they continued following his lead nonetheless. Without them noticing, Jonghyun pressed a hand to his chest, feeling as if something was missing. It seemed to make his body ache and he suddenly felt a lot older and more tired than his short 21 years of age.

He chalked it up to hunger and just hurried his pace just a little bit more.

Okay, so it doesn't exactly jump into the story just yet but it will in the next chapter or two. I promise that Jonghyun and Minho will meet in the next one and a conspiracy shall be born. Leave me a comment to tell me what you think won't you?

fandom: snsd, celeb: park luna, celeb: lee joon, celeb: jung jessica, fandom: shinee, fandom: mblaq, celeb: bang mir, celeb: lee seunggi, celeb: choi minho, celeb: lee taemin, celeb: kim jonghyun, world: before the dawn, fanfic, celeb: choi sulli, celeb: park cheundong, fandom: f(x), celeb: jung krystal

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