Title: Epiphany (Of Misunderstanding and Realizations)
Length: 1/2
Author: Kurokitsune09
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance-Fluff/General
Focus: Cheundong x Sohyun, Doojoon x Junhyung, Dongwoon x Kikwang
Sub-Focus: Random little cameos from K-Pop stars
Notes: An odd little story idea that came to me at 3 in the morning Jan. 16 2011. Obviously AU. Please do
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I'll read soon, that's quite long! Hahaha <3
Ok. Not only Thunder, but I'm slow too xD all the hints and such, I didn't get it til the last paragraph hahahaha sorrrryyyyy~
*cough* Doojoon and Junhyung! Never read them, but how you describe them, they seem pretty cute~ as I um, see in your description Doojoon is top..xD I could never see any of them as bottom~
Kwangie and Dongwoon.. too little of them!! =(
I just noticed, that your fics are the only um, straight fics I read hahaha
Miss you! =( <3
and I'm honored that my fics are the um..only straight fics that you read haha ^^
But it ended pretty vague and It didn't end (the second part I mean) the way I really wanted it to keke ^^
*glomps* miss you too unnie
No? What way did you want it to end? I liked it~ theres much more to imagine that way, you know, like daydream about it hehe
*glomps back*
I mean I liked it, but it jut wasn't what I hoped i would be. *twiddles thumbs* Now I should get around to that Dooseob and I should coax out more bunnies *sigh*
Well hon, it's 2:30 AM, I had a long night out and a bit too much to drink. So I should kinda hurry to bed, no? Hahahaha
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