Title: Playing Games
Author: Kurokitsune09
Rating: PG (for a few cursing curse)
Genre: General/Romance
Focus: HaeFany
Sub-Focus: Doojoon, Yoseob, Yuri, Taemin (cameos)
Notes: It started off really well then it got a little weird. I’m sorry the ending is bizarre. I hope you all like it though ^^ A companion piece to
Hi-Yeom and
Because Maybe No spots
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This was awesomely cheesy! Hahahahaha you know how I love cheesy things! Just perfect for my taste xD
Donghae, are you a dense elementary kid?? xD seriously the 'annoy-the-girl-you-like' time should be over already! Hahaha :'D
Hae's little 'speech' was kinda embarrassing to read xD Hae you big cheesy fish!
The little 'we-are-worried' crowd is awesome :] hahaha. I'd watch and go "gyaaaah, that's such a cheesy scene for a drama"
Vicky, hon, I miss you! =( where are youuuuu~
Less than three you~
Donghae-oppa is a little bit like a kid. He's adorable but he doesn't get the point sometimes lol ^^ I'm sure that Yuri and Doojoon can smack him with it and he still won't get it lol.
Hae's speech was kind of embarrassing to type. I mean, it's all sorts of cliches lol ^^
The we are worried crowd is amazing. I love them and I think Because maybe has become a series of mini-fics lol ^^
School has taken a lot of my time unnie DX I miss you tooo!!
I less than three you unnie ^^
I guess, too much of a dork :'D
I know, I love cliches and cheesy things, but I still get embarrassed reading it hahahaha :D
They are awesome. You should continue the mini series^^
I see D: ... now that I'm a bit free, you're busy like hell x.x when are your next holidays?
Guess what? I told you about my presentation with the topic Korea right?? I'll teach some korean, talk about the korean every-day-life and bring some food. I'll make tteokbokki! :D already bought the ingredients to test it~ let's see how it will taste :'D ..I'm not much of a spicy-food-lover.
Cheesy things are cute but at the same time embarrassing to read. Do agree there ^^ lol
But on another note, which pairing should I do next? Yoseobie and Doojoonie has appeared twice now in the series, I want to write more appearances for different kpop stars too so any ideas unnie?
And I'm sure your presentation will be fine. Who knows unnie, maybe you'll really like it. Spicy food is really good sometimes ^^
Pairings make Seobie and Doojoon a pairing? ... huuum, *cough* Miruuuuuuu!! Chanana!! *is totally biased* ...BEG, totally a BEG cameo! *_* and maybe a bit IU?? :'D ... IU and Woo?? xD
I ate some, it actually is quite tasty! Not too spicy :D a bit weird.. like you have to chew and chew and chew..xD like gum.
Dooseob? I was thinking that at some point. Should they know each other? I mean, Doojoon works at the erm establishment that still has no name and Yoseobie is an actor who has worked with DOnghae-oppa and is like best friends with Kikwangie. (ponders)
I want Miru to show up too!! and Junhyungie! and Like everyone!! Maybe a late appearance by the ADAMcouple? and a deeper look at Khuntoria? lol
yay ︿︿ spicy gum lol
Yes. Hum, maybe not dircetly know each other, more like being mutually attracted? Haha that's a name! Name it NoName. xD
Miru! Totally Miru *-* haha everyone would be ok with me :'D we got married couples? Why not. Then you should be able to squeeze their respective groups in it too! :D
You should eat it sometime. It's weird.. but yummy haha
Maybe everyone just calls it the establishment with no name because Taeminnie hasn't come up with one lol.
AS for the WGM I hsould be able to squeeze in other groups lol ^^
Note to self, try spicy gum lol ^^
Hahaha uncreative Taeminnie! :D
Would be awesome^^ cuz I love BEG!
LOL! You're just!!!! Wanna squeeze your cheeks :'D sorry, I know you don't like being called cute.. I didn't say anything! :x
Taeminnie is uncreative as of the moment lol. or rather, it's the authoress who's uncreative XDDDD
*grabs pen and paper and tries to plan in BEG involvment*
It's okay unnie. I'm getting used to it. I don't think I'm cute but hey, it gives my nonexistent ego a boost lol so it's okay ^^
xD ...let's dump the fault to Taeminnie! :P JK. Poor him~ <3
Yay! BEG! *-* <3 Gosh, I just love them! Especially Narsha :] <3
Haha, a bit of an ego isn't that bad! ^^
and yesh. Minnie is very uncreative lol ^^ I suppose, the ego thing. It's getting there I think lol *glomps*
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