Yay~ It's the start of Kamen Rider Double/W!
I just watched the first ep and I really like it!! But can't really get over the mean cliffhanger in the last
Decade ep. Why does it have to be a movie?? We surely have to wait about a year. That sucks!!!
RENN as Shotaro
I know Kiriyama Renn from several Mags and have seen him in a Movie, and he played a Visual Rocker in "Beat Rock Love", so I was happy to hear that he's a new Kamen Rider :3
MASAKI as Phillip
Suda Masaki is a new face, never heard something of him before, so let's see how he acts as the mysterious Phillip.
Definitely looking forward to watch the next eps :D (But is it just me who thinks that girl is annoying? xD)