
Feb 13, 2007 19:20

It's been so long since I've even looked at LJ. -_-; I guess my addiction to this place has passed. It's now fully on Cyworld. I even have a Japanese cyworld! =D That's really why I'm here actually - to give the address of my new site. ^_^

The first one is my Japanese one, the second is my US site. I'm on each site every day (or at least I really try to be). I've slacked on my photo and sketchbook (and on the clubs I'm in -_-; I don't have much free time anymore), but I update my journal every day. =) Check it out if you want. If you join up (you can leave comments and stuff only if you join ;) ), please say that I referred you. ;) hehehe I get free stuff then. ^_^
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