ugh and umm

Oct 13, 2006 15:38

I have decided that I do not like going to my work. I'm not quite sure the exact reason why, but waking up at 5:20 - 5:30am has a lot to do with it. I don't like the CPs nagging me about stuff either. Also don't like them getting in my way when I'm working. And I hate it when they decide to work slowly at meal time. We're all tired but that doesn't mean they have to work slowly when I have other things to do and want to get through everything as quickly as possible. I'm totally only working for my paycheck now. I'm counting the days till I get the money. Unfortunately, it's never a lot. I work for a piddly amount. That totally sucks. >__<

Watching Fantasia now. I've been wanting to see it again for a long time. *___*

I'm finally going to watch a movie with Padma today. We agreed to meet at 4pm at her place. I'm not sure what movies I have that she'll like so I'm just bringing over a selection. There's gotta be something there that appeals to her. I hope...I'm totally nervous about that. She's so warm and friendly over the phone though. I hope we can become friends. @_@
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