
Oct 04, 2006 15:24

Yay! I finished the 1000-piece puzzle I was working on! It only took about a week too. ^_^ This is the first time I've been able to do a big puzzle like this without anyone interrupting and taking over or even helping. I guess Sung-Bong doesn't like puzzles. He certainly doesn't have time for them. But I get the feeling he thinks most things that aren't productive (meaning: anything that doesn't move someone's life forward or add to their finances) are a waste of time so it's not surprising he didn't help.

But yay! I did it! All by myself too! ^____^

Now I'm really bored though. I'm watching X2 on TV and watching some special features of the 3rd movie during the commercials (some FX channel special) and that's fun, but I usually need something else to do. My hands and the busy part of my mind are itching for things to do.

And I'm totally tired of watching commercials for Nip/Tuck. Everyone seems to love it and rave about it, but I have no desire to watch a show that's (according to the commercials) centered on sex and sexual scandal. It just looks risque to me. Not interesting, just a show that wants to look physically sexy and not in an interesting way. =T

I want to make something!! But I don't know what to make. >___< I'd love to put new pictures on my computer, but I don't have the cord to get them off my camera. It's somewhere at my parents' home. More than likely lost by now. >__< grrr!!! I'm so bored!!! And totally disgusted with today's popular TV shows.
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