New show

Aug 29, 2006 10:26

I don't know if it's a new show for the rest of the country, but it's a new one for me. Still Standing. I came across it yesterday and I love it! ^_^ It's funny. It's not the best thing I've ever seen of course, but I'm still highly enjoying it. I guess it helps that I like the actress and actor who play the mom and dad. ^_^ I prefer the actress over the guy, but whatever. If I'm not mistaken (and I probably am cause I suck with names), her name's Alyssa Milano. Even if that's not her name though, I've always liked that actress. ^_^ She looks fat in these last two episodes though. She didn't look this way in the first two or four episodes I saw yesterday...hmmm...ah well.

New list of things to do today!

Turns out we only have one TV hookup so the second TV will have to wait until we can get a divider. It's not important enough to me to hook up the game systems right now so I won't bother with that.

- study Japanese
- fix lunch
- continue crocheting
- finish membership and perhaps start exercising
- do dishes
- do laundry
- eat something

waaa!! I can't wait to start exercising at the gym!! XD I'm so excited!! My goal is to be able to wear a bikini next summer. Hopefully I'll reach that goal a helluva lot earlier, but that doesn't matter. I only want to have a nice enough body to be able to wear that bikini. I've always wanted to be able to wear a bikini. *__*
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