I'm still around...kinda XDD

Feb 16, 2009 17:33

So yeah lots of homework >_< and I had to work yesterday so yeah no LJ for a while...just dropping by to say hi XDD, I swear I'm gonna read all your entries and *probably* comment with something stupid just as always XDD, you must be relieved I'm not spamming you lately XDDD

Bloody teachers >_> give us a break already ;_;

I've decided to make this my repository to unfinished/sketchy/fandom related things XDD my dA will be for all the colored thingies XD haha I have drawings scattered in various places it seems XD

So yeah lots thing to do but my lectures are pretty boring...

I just loved her hair and her "I'm a bastard" look XDD, I think she's an assassin...I've said this before, characters pop randomly in the pages XDD

There are a lot of mistakes with her body >_> but it's hard to draw while taking notes and avoiding your teacher XDDD
her hips are too small ;_;
...ignore the phantom images and the random line on the corner...I just scanned it as it was XD and wtf I forgot to shade XDDDDD

I went to watch Coraline on 3D last Friday, I loved the wacky creatures X3 it's a kids movie but it was dark enough to make me happy XD...lots of reference to Alice in Wonderland too.

Hope to "talk" to you soon guys, I miss youuuuuuuu

Ahh I had this meme already scanned, but I forgot to post it XDD

Handwriting Meme taken from nyu_kun 
1. Name / Username
2. Right handed or left handed?
3. Favorite letters to write.
4. Least favorite letters to write.
5. Write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
6. Tag 5 people.


if there is something I'm specially not proud of is my handwriting XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

*goes back to read befor her team leader kills her*

meme, movies, kind of hiatus lol, drawing, school

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