1/3 Pizza Project.

Jul 10, 2015 23:53

This entry will cover my first attempt of sa 1/3 scale pizza :3

So this is the first base I did and the box. In the end I didn't really like it. It was flat, lacking texture and the way I attached the crust was stupid. Especially for air dry clay.No amount of blending and wet clay could hise the seam. In the end it just wasn't realistic. So I redid it.

The new crust was perfect. Though sadly I made it too big for the box OTL

Once shaded, I sliced itand textured the inside.

Next was the start of toppings and a sauce test. The sauce was done in resin with a thickening agent added. I went for the texture of crushed tomatoes.

Which I then added to just the top of the slices. I just wanted enough to poke out.

Then it was cheese time >o

Then more shading and acrylic details. I really wanted the pepperoni crisp with burnt edges.

Time for re-slicing and done!

My final thoughts: Overall it was a good first attempt but I would do many things differently now. For one I would not use liquid clay for the cheese again. While it's nice for the melted effect it's too smooth and looks too fake for my standards. And I wanted a cooked bubbly effect but my shading attempt did not achieve this. And I would definitely add more toppings, they are too spaced out. I definitely will add all over sauce next time. I was just worried I would not be able to slice through the resin at the time. I will attempt a 2nd pizza sometime before the end of this challenge.

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