Saw Acquired!

Jun 05, 2015 04:31

I told myself if I sold enough miniatures at the con, I would buy myself a saw. So here it is :D

I tossed in a Dremel too. While my mom picked my up various Dremels over the past couple years, they were all the flat sander things and it was a rotary Dremel I needed. I've been sawing small things like bento boxes with one of those hobby exacto knife saws and it's been a pain in the ass. And If you been following me on tumblr you'll know I started planning a 1/3 haunted house last summer. Eventually I'm going to do a whole haunted carnival set :D And I have a 1/3 dollhouse to finish so it's about time for an upgrade. My dolls are finally gonna get some decent furniture. There's nothing out there that suits a gothic castle :/ Not to mention I'm not paying $200 USD for a doll couch I only minimally like.

So if the upcoming con doesn't side track me completely look forward to some furniture and spooky stuff :D
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