
Jun 17, 2009 23:15

[Yeah, um, Himura? Manjoume tried taking your advice and not falling asleep. Really, he did. He lasted a couple of hours, too. But he's an average human, and he already hadn't slept in several days and was tired, and as has been mentioned, his will save is low if not nonexistent. So, eventually, against his will, he does succumb to sleeping.

Three hours, three minutes, three seconds. An amount of time that can only be considered half evil, but after that amount of time passes, he awakens abruptly, to find that he has just been thrown across his room from the force of a monster's attack. He doesn't get a chance to see what it was, because the holograms disappear, his life points having already hit zero. But that's not as important as his opponent, who is laughing at him coldly.]

S...Saiou?! [His tone is one of absolute hatred, as well as absolute confusion, which starts mixing in some absolute fury (and is that a hint of fear?) as well.] This isn't right! I defeated you, Light of Destruction!

Perhaps you did in the past, Manjoume. [Even with his calm exterior (in contrast to Manjoume's), the other man gives off an air of superiority, unhealthy levels of pride, and malice.] But our respective destinies haven't changed. Your destiny has always been to lose to me! And this time, the dead were unable to help you!

[Manjoume looks around a little and discovers, to his horror, that his deck has been scattered on the ground. Three of the cards (thanks only to the illusion, of course, but) appear to have been completely charred - a part of the top line of each, however, remains legible, revealing that all three of them had the brown background of monster cards, and names beginning with the word "Ojama".

Behind Saiou - well, the Light inside of Saiou's body, really, but that's just technicalities - stand a large number of people, most of them students, but some of them teachers, all of them wearing the same white uniform (despite the pictures that, due to a lack of them in said uniforms, say otherwise). Close to the front of the mob is one person dressed differently, but the difference is merely that he is wearing a pure white suit. His eyes are oddly blank, blank as the eyes of the dead, while the rest seem merely fascinated, fanatic about a cause. Yay cults.

There are also a couple of people laying on the ground, off to the side. One of them should be familiar to people on the ship - Sakuraba Neko is also laying there. They don't look like they're moving, and while they're not dressed in white, it rather looks as though it tried to force itself on them anyway.

Incidentally, there's one person he expects to see, but doesn't. But he doesn't have time to dwell on that as he notices one other person walking toward Saiou from somewhere else, a single person whose doing so completely grabs Manjoume's attention and shocks him beyond all belief. His next word comes out as a scream.]


[Because yes, it is Tenjoin Asuka, except rather than the brown coat she had been wearing while visiting the Academy, she now instead sports a long, pure white dress. Nothing overly fancy, and nothing that shows her off in any way, but still. Her eyes, also, are like those of the dead. She doesn't seem to hear Manjoume, or if she does, she ignores him completely as she kneels down. Her voice is also emotionless, incidentally.]

I am at your command, Saiou-sama.

[Saiou reaches down and, with a bit of a proud smirk, strokes Asuka's hair a little, as though lovingly, but without any love to it, and she doesn't even twitch. This, of course, only adds to Manjoume's fury.]

You bastard! Let her go!

I'm afraid you don't have any say in that matter. The terms of my victory, as you well know, were that both of you would see the glory of the Light. Speaking of which...

[A circle of pure white flames then appears around Manjoume, beginning to consume him. He screams in pain as they penetrate his flesh and burn his very soul.]

My mistake last time was merely filling you with the Light's true power without getting rid of all of the darkness within you. That will not happen again. Your shadows will all burn away now, leaving you open to the full glory of the Light!

[Which, of course, essentially means removing his soul from his body - ie. killing him. He screams in pain a little while longer before the screaming stops, the flames die, and Manjoume's body collapses to the ground, his coat bleached to be completely white by the Light's power, his eyes also like those of the dead. He's physically unharmed, it would appear, but... yeah. Dead.

And then... well, everything freezes, Manjoume's body despawns, the other people reset to their starting positions, and Manjoume respawns, only to be thrown against the back wall again to the sound of cold laughter.]

D...Damn it...

*plot: bad end, average human here, illusions are evil, *his verse: light of destruction/ha-chan, *au: sakuraba neko, *his verse: saiou, haaaaaate this place, why oh why is it white, *his verse: asuka, in french sleepless night = white night, *endgame, heavy on the links, *cycle: 3rd, card games = serious business

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