Because LiveJournal's missed me.
which member of nittle grasper are you?
click here! Haha! In your face, womanly men of Nittle Grasper! *shakes ass in a demonic fashion*
Actually, I quite like having no point to these entries, thanks muchly. Actually, from now on, why don't I say, thanks ever so, seeing as it's starting its way to the tip of my tounge. Just the tip of my mad vocab. Does that count as rhyming? Let's go right ahead and say it does.
I've decided I'll write until Lauren gets here, seeing as that's how long I have. And then I'll play Suikoden, probably, as I always end up playing random games while she is over. No one knows why. But it's probably because she'll be working on the costumes and I have no social skills, so games suit me just fine.
I'm starting to doubt that this entry will be longer than that other crazy long one. Damn. But I don't think I'll ever be able to top that one, unless I start singing again, which I don't think I will because I'm hating my playlist. Needa download new songs.
Holy crap. I will not get into some people's user names. Ya know, the ones that have little messages to other people and all capitals and exclimation marks and say how they're frustrated or, hey, look, I found this quote that's been everywhere forever, but it's really deep, don'tcha think? I'm I deep now too?
And now my mom's upstairs and such things make me too nervous to write, so adeu.