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Sep 23, 2008 20:53

P E R S O N A L † I N F O

Name: emily
Personal Journal: swallow-tailed
Timezone: EST
AIM: silenced sky
Email: swallow-tailed@hotmail.com

E X O R C I S T † F I L E

Character Name: Linali Li
Age: 22 (Age of Death)
Occupation: Exorcist
Point in the timeline: Several years after canon.

Alternate future: Six years after the introduction of her Crystal-type Innocence, Linali's fighting abilities had excelled to those of a General's. Though she was never given a promotion (due to Komui's unrelenting requests), she still played a vital role in the Black Order's ranks. Her motivation remained unchanged--she fought for her brother, for those she loved and constructed her world's existence upon.

She fought, and died for those people.

There was a second attack on the Black Order Headquarters, this time a deadly wave of Level 3 and 4 Akuma sent in. The Earl had succeeded in scattering most of the Generals across the continent (having strategically instigated large and violent outbreaks of Akuma), leaving Linali and a handful of other Exorcists behind to defend their base of operations. She was able to hold off the onslaught until reinforcements arrived, however, the Akuma virus claimed her life near the end of the battle.

Personality: Linali at twenty-two is similar, but by no means identical to her sixteen-year-old self. She is still kind, sweet, and rather girlish (still innocent to a fault), but there is no denying that her countenance is that of a young woman's as opposed to a late teenager's. That is to say, the years of battle experience she's gained has forced her to grow up -- she now moves and speaks with self-confidence, and handles difficult situations with composure. Though she's able to keep a better reign on her emotions (no more crying spells in the middle of battle,) and may even come off as distant at times, Linali is still extremely vulnerable around those closest to her.

Her smiles are still bright and disposition still cheerful, but she's very aware of the dismal survival rate she has as an Exorcist. For the most part, she lives everyday as if it were her last, and interacts with others as often as her schedule allows. While she's never outright rude, she can be unthinkingly forward at times (though if her comments are particularly biting, it's mostly by accident). The only "man in her life" is still Komui -- Linali exercises great care in avoiding romantic relationships, as she no longer believes in a "happily ever after." (...And because if an Akuma doesn't get to her love interest, her brother will.)


Writing Sample for overclockedrp

{a short fizz of static, and then suddenly a pair of overly magnified eyes come into view before the girl backs up from the camera}

Is it working? Oh--! Jerry~ How are you? It's been a long time since I've been able to visit, I hope everything is well for you.

I... have a request... It's Brother's birthday next week, could you bake a cake for him?

--Really?? Mmhmm, coffee cake would be great!

--Ah, yes, just make sure there isn't... actual coffee in it...

{an uncomfortable expression briefly flickers on her face as some horrible memory resurfaces, but disappears again quickly}

Thank you so much! I'll see you soon, then!

{she beams and gives the camera screen a quick peck before the video and audio disconnects}

Writing Sample for overclockedlogs

He was so far away.

She was crying out to him as she had 16 years ago, when the Vatican had taken her into the Black Order. As she had 13 years ago, when she'd lost all will to live, and 8 years ago, when she was defenseless and he was caught in the path of a rampant Level 4.

There was that same panic that took precedence over all senses--she did not feel the tear at her vocal chords, hear her own screams, or see anything other than the distant figure (he was so far away) of her brother and the rapidly approaching shadow. Even with her Sound Shackles activated, she would not be able to reach him in time.

She had made a pact with the Innocence, a promise that had been kept for the past eight years. Since then, her weapon had continued to change--she had continued to change, with each passing evolution of the Dark Boots. But she knew there would be no compromise this time, that the Innocence would not forgive her for sacrificing her own life--that of a Weapon of God-- for her brother's, but she prayed anyway.

Or rather, she demanded.

At the same time, she felt her heart give off a sudden, violent palpitation, and the familiar surge of power force its way through her battered frame. She moved and for a moment the world vanished. When it stopped again she was on all fours, her startled brother in front of her and the crumbling remains of the Akuma behind her.

Her Innocence had gained the ability to fend off the Virus through the past years of battle experience. It was an adaption of necessity, as fights kept increasing in frequency and difficulty. So long as she didn't overtax her Dark Boots, she could escape from otherwise lethal hits completely unharmed. She now had nothing left to give.

She knew the dark pentagrams would spread quickly, but the final glance she shared with her brother lasted far longer.

He was making a sour face when little Linali teased him for his poor cooking skills.
He was both worried and relieved when the shackled and broken Linali finally woke up and recognized him.
He was smiling when the Exorcist Linali came back from her mission with a bright, "I'm home!"

He was crying when she drank the Innocence, and had told him, "I'm off, then."

She smiled fondly at him, her own tears streaming down her face, and whispered...--

And then she saw nothing.


