Jun 10, 2004 12:27
Okay, I know I'm strange, a real oddball.. But I had some damn freaky dreams.. I mean, really wild ones. ^^ Here goes...
Well, it all started out with E-sama and I going to this place in some mall that was like, this butcher shop because we wanted to see if we could purchase some of this particular type of fish roe that they had cooked on Iron Chef. Well, the guy had some but we weren't sure exactly how to cook it so he showed us this fancy cooking method which was really pretty cool. But we wanted to look around the mall so we told him we'd be back later and went walking through the stores until we got to one point where E-sama and I were like, "Okay, time to turn back now, we've reached the snob section of the clothing store." And so we headed back the other way where I paused to look at this one t-shirt with a tiger on it that seemed pretty cool. So then we're heading back toward the butchers and we stop in this one cheap dollar store looking place where these teenage girls are hanging about and one of them was checking out. One of them had this thing that looked like one of those long foam pool float thingies and so I got one too, only it wasn't one of those, it was this other thing where when you blew air into it, It deflated. O_o So then I was standing outside the store deflating this thing and some of the teenage girls were hanging around me and then E-sama came out of the store and invited them to come with us back to the butchers shop to get the fish roe. So they followed us but when we got there the butcher was irritated by these teenage girls because they were getting in his stuff and one of them was picking up some meat and such. So E-sama and I apologized only to have the butcher say, "S'allright, it's no worse than the time I got prosecuted for hiding under my table when my next door neighbor got shot." O_o ((Yeah.. Too much Law and Order there...))
So from there the dream somehow changed so that I was in this slave market among slaves who were being sold for food. And who shows up? None other than Chairman Kaga of the Iron Chef show.. So he's checking out me and all the other perspective food slaves and finally pauses and smiles at me in that way he often does on the show.. of course I wanted him to buy me because he was the nicest looking of the prespective people who might buy me.. So he was just like, "That one" and pointed to me and the put a leash on the collar I had and handed it to him. And he let me walk back with him to his estate rather than having me put in a box and delivered.. I really didn't want to go in a box... O_o So, then back at his place he's just kind of letting me roam around.. and I was dancing for some reason, but I kept following Chairman Kaga around because I wanted to be there to find out when and if he planned to eat me if that's what he wanted to do.. Though somehow in the back of my mind I knew he wanted to use me as the special ingrediant on an episode of Iron Chef.. O_o And then I woke up..
Man, that was some fucked up dreams, fun, but fucked up.. Some of which was the result of watching Law and Order and Iron Chef at night before bed.. Wild man, just wild... *wargs*