Did I mention I was gonna journal spam? XDDD
Saturday, March 19th was the day I went.
I got up reaaaaaaaally early so that I could finish the last bit of painting on Mel's Keyblade. I wanted it to have ample time to dry. At 9:30 I woke up my brother and we started getting ready, which included eating breakfast. XDD
Mel and Kirky got to my house at about 11 and I presented her with the Keyblade while she gave me my brother's Shizuo wig and Akatsuki coat (which will be used for Kisame in August). We quickly ran back inside to get his wig on and print the advanced tickets I bought.
Then it became a matter of driving which took about an hour.
Lots of people freaked out over my brother. XDDD I was really happy that people were as excited about him as I was. No one really recognized me as Kasuka, which is entirely understandable since I didn't have the red pants or the right coat (I just threw on my black cardigan). I was also wearing sunglasses, because FUUUUUUUUCK it was bright! XDDDD
I have a hard time not smiling... >_> So I was thinking of doing this version of Kasuka:
This is fanart, but it's accurate. It's of him during episode 25. It's practically the same thing but with a white cardigan and an unbuttoned vest. I'm sure I have a friend or too with a white cardigan I could borrow (I already have a vest). And making a fake mic would be easy. I just need a cameraman and I could go around the con "searching for the #1 couple in all of Ikebu―" I mean, MetroCon for Love-Love Star Chance. XDDDDD
We saw Karen right off the bat and said hi before going to the main building to wait for Mel's buyers. We waited for maybe 30 minutes tops before Mel and Kirky took over. My brother had never been here before so we explored the grounds, more pictures, and fooooooood. We got ice cream. XD
We derped about, mainly. We didn't see any shows. Except for the cosplay contest. Which Mel and Kirky entered. They won second place for "Best Novice". We didn't quite get that... because the first place winners were a Liz and Patty duo. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were great and they probably made everything, but their outfits were quite simple in comparison. Hmm. I'm not sure.
I will be completely honest, the thing that always pisses me off the MOST about Hatsume's contests is that a LOT of people enter and they don't make anything and then they ask to use the mike and they say really stupid stuff! Like, there was a Female?Germany who used the mic just to yell "HETALIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and it wasn't even in a German accent! Like, WHY ARE YOU DOING THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?
I'm not going to lie... I was going ASIUDGWIEGFRUEWYFRVDRUFY the whole time over this "Belgium" cosplayer. I quote it because the dress was bought and obviously NOT any of her many outfits, she didn't have bangs (though she wore a wig) and she had the GERMAN flag on her arm. KAUHSFIUGEUGFEWUGRUQEGWYF LIKE REALLY? How hard is it to look up the Belgian flag? It's hard to fuck that shit up in the age of computers.
Don't get me wrong. Yes, I cosplay Belgium, but I don't just hate on other cosplayers because they cosplay they same characters as me. I just don't like half-assed costumes being entered in costume contests. Did my brother and I enter? No. Could my brother have? Absolutely and he probably would've won something while he was at it (maybe Best Look-a-Like or something), but we didn't because we didn't make them and mine was a total closet cosplay that was also half-assed to a degree (I don't have the pants after all).
Shortly after the contest, we left.
Here's a simple shot of all of us taken by someone on FB: