What a long-ass weekend...

Jun 01, 2010 16:08

I am so f**king tired right now. It's like my body's saying, "WHAT THE F**K DID YOU DO TO ME?" and slapping me back into the sheets. I have done more in this weekend-in three days-then I have the whole month. It was kinda like a con. It was full of laughter and fun and exercise! Well, not the first day... But yeah, I'm probably sunburned. XD

Also, warning: Copious amounts of JD are ahead. XDD

Prince of Persia~~ JD got to my house kind of late and we ended up getting to the mall at 12:30 which was 15 minutes past the start time of the movie. Needless to say we didn't want to go in after missing that much and we waited for another 30 minutes to see the 1:10 showing.

The movie was really good in my opinion! I looove Jake as the Prince. Mm. So sexy. XD The fight scenes were fabulous. The plot was almost right on. The ending was smashing. If you played the game, it's a lot like it but the premise is a little different. I would totally recommend going to see it. :3

After the movie JD and I dropped my brother off at home and then went to Home Depot to get some wood for his third sword for Inu no Taisho. Then we went to his dad's house to drop it off and say hello. It'd been a while since I'd seen him so it was nice to chat and such. JD was kind of hungry and I hadn't eaten since the movie (that was about 6 hours) and even JD's dad was hungry. After wondering what to eat, they finally settled on having pancakes. So we went to IHOP.

There we chatted about Disney and the Harry Potter park in Universal and movies and music and books and such. XD It was pretty nice. ^_^

Sunday started early for me, as usual, because of church. As soon as I got home at ~10 I changed quickly and got ready to go to the zoo.

JD wasn't too late and we got to the zoo around 11. We were suppose to meet up with Nikki and her dad so we sped through a lot of the exhibits. Well, except the tigers. They were so cuuuute~ D: I wanted to name the white one Byakko. But... you know... it wasn't mine to name. XD

I also got to feed a giraffe! OMG, they are so pretty! *A* They have the longest eyelashes! Ngh~ So pretty.

A lot of the animals seemed really lazy. XD It was pretty hot so I'm sure they all wanted nothing more than to chill in the sun and lazy about in the water. Which is what most of them did. XD But it was a lot of fun and we all agreed we'd have to come back and take some cosplay photos there. JD had the ingenious idea of doing it next year when we do Rin and Haru from Fruits Basket.

Annnnd~ We decided we have to go to the Aquarium after we all finish our water cosplays for Mizu's show and such because what better place to take water photos then at an Aquarium?? I want to carry a blank poster board with me and pose with it with various species so that later on I can edit the photos with a picture of the pokémon it inspired. XD I'll call it something stupid like, "Misty's Pokémon Lesson," or something. XD

ANYWAY! We were done exploring the whole park and we all said goodbye and such but first, we decided to explore the gift shop. Aww~ there were so many cute stuffed animals. >w< JD was sold on the idea of getting a tiger. XD So he ended up with a normal one and a white one.

Before heading home for good, we stopped by a Wendy's and got some food. We had very interesting conversations about brain damage and cancer and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. XD

Then we headed to my house~ As soon as I got home, I took a shower and changed for work. Nicolle came when I was still in the shower but I changed really fast and on our way we went~

Apparently, they were having a BBQ at the Shul and we had our cart out there so when Nicolle and I got to work, George told me to go take over for Vida. Vida had only sold two of the Popsicles and I was like this isn't worth it. Well, we go to tell the guy we're leaving and he announces to the crowd that we'll leave in 10 minutes and BAM! Business picks up. So I take over for Vida. It was only an hour but after being in the sun all day, it wasn't a lot of fun. At least I had the umbrella.

After it was done and over, I wheeled the cart back to the store. Nicolle and I pretty much chilled because it wasn't a very busy night. I made nearly to the end of Ch. 20 of my book (The Summoner by Gail Z. Martin; there are 33 chapters).

After work was done with, Nicolle and I headed over to Asaka's for some karaoke! It'd been a while since we'd gone and Trev and Erica were suppose to be there too. c: It was really nice. Especially after Kouji came and plopped a plate of chips and mini cinnamon rolls in front of us. Later on, this woman that's always at the karaoke parties gave us two plates of sushi (which was like 8 or 9 pieces all together) Erica and Nicolle sang; Trev and I chilled. I was really tired by the time karaoke came up because of the zoo and work. But I still had such a blast. There was a Japanese guy who sang "GO!!" by FLOW and even though we don't know all the words, we still sang, "We are fighting dreamers~ Saa wo..." and so forth. XD

So I got home at about 1:35. Went to bed at, like, 2.


I was supposed to have gotten up at 7 or 8 so that I could get everything I needed together and shave my legs XD and do my make-up. But I got up at 9. D: Luckily, I wasn't the only one running late. JD hadn't even gone to get Nikki when I talked to them. XD

I was still very undecided about what I was going to wear for the Summer Casual, actually. So at the last minute I just threw something on.

Nikki and JD still had to wait a few minutes for me to get everything together. At the last minute I decided to bring my actual dress and figured if we had some time left over, I might get JD to take some nice, HQ photos for me.

We decided to grab some grub on the way up to Boca which is where Karen lives and the shoot was going to happen. But since I wasn't feeling all that well, I just got an ICEE. XD

Finally we got to Karen's and chilled for a bit (though I was ironing my dress and bolero, just in case). Then we started getting ready (I'm afraid I took the longest because of make-up).

summer casual shoot

The Summer Casual shoot was taken outside behind Karen's community playhouse. There was this really neat bridge. :3 It seemed that with the sun, it was really hard to take photos. ): I don't think we got a lot of nice ones.

After, we went back to Karen's house and chilled. We ordered food and played "Quelf" which was a really neat, fun board game. :3 There are five different types of cards and some of them have rules that you have to follow. One of the most memorable ones was the one that said the person who takes the lead had to act like they were on a horse and say, "Yeehah! Giddy up lil doggy!" XDDDD Of course, JD did the best one ever. It was fabulous.

After Karen won and it was already 4, we changed for the Black Formal shoot.

black formal shoot

So, instead of being Canada, Annu was Russia for it. And I ended up helping everyone with ties. XD But again, I really looooooved my outfit. >w< I'd probably wear it to a rock concert or something. XDDD

But anyway. It was very quick, clipped and simple. XD As soon as it was 5 JD, Nikki and I had to go since Nikki was due back at home by 5:30.

I ended up getting home at about 6. Now, I was suppose to go bowling with my friend, Raffe, but for one reason or another, he couldn't go anymore. D: We were kind of disappointed but I told my brother, "Well, you know, we could just go bowling ourselves and forget him."


We only bowled for an hour and the first couple of sets, my brother and I sucked ass. XD My brother started getting better and I... stayed the same. XD I kept getting 9 pins down by the end of my set. XD I did happen to get a strike! Never a spare though. XD

AND SO MUCH LAUGHTER WENT ON. I went to get pizza and Pepsi and when I came back, we had some. My brother says, "The last time we were here the pizza tasted like AIDS."

And we just cracked up.

There was a group next to us and they had this one chick who was like, "Did you see my lady pole?" and we heard it but my brother didn't and we were just cracking up. And then she said it again! "Don't touch my lady pole." ASLDFKHSELRH


Oh my. XD It was fabulous.

Annnnnd~ To add icing on the cake, I just found out that YasumiCon will officially be held at North Campus this year! ONLY 15 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE ZOMG. I'm ridiculously happy about this! Everyone always says south campus is the best but north campus has some pretty amazing spots too. I know there's at least one location I've been DYING to take shots of Subaru at.

Ngh! I'm probably NOT going to be Miyo on Sunday anymore simply because of this. Everyone else will be doing Higurashi on Saturday and since I won't be doing that anyway, it's pointless for my to be Miyo on Sunday. I'll be Subaru on Sunday instead!! ^o^/

Okay! That's that!

~Shizu XD

image - misc., '10, image - photoshoot(s), -movie(s), -random stuff, `convention(s), cos: belgium, con: yasumicon, `cosplay

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