Jun 15, 2009 10:40

There was a confusion about the dates and times we talk about.

It doesn´t matter from where you are, the times our character says are not real times of playing, just so we knew when is it happening in the school world. If we didn´t set times it could happen that for example Tegoshi would be on the playground at the same time as on the gym, which would be weird, right? XD So the times are only informative, about where your character is by the time.

We opened the ceremony on sunday evening so most of you could be there until 9 AM or so. It would be impossible to get  AALLL students ONLINE at the same time :)

The same goes for classes. The class open and it´s opened untill it stops to be active, so it won´t close 2AM of the real time the same day, don´t worry.

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