Nov 17, 2007 21:52
Thought I'd give it a silly title.
First, last Friday (Or somewhere in that general vicinity...)~ Bumper thumping like MAD. First my girlfriend, them my friend Jay, then I backed into a car.
>_< GODS. No real damage from any of it. We can all be greatful for that.
Monday, I officially called it quits on my Math class. I don't understand the statistics at all. Sold my book and gave up. My girlfriend and I argued a bit on the path I'd be taking since I only need a math to get my associates. I still want the degree, but we can't seem to communicate very well when it comes to these sorts of life issues.
Tuesday, I DID. NOT. GET. PAID.
They will be paying out my vacation time on next week's check, but what a blow that was. My bosses excuse- 'sometimes people take that much time off without using thier vacation time.' GODS. He's not a bad boss, but the mutiple times I put down , 'please use all 40 hours of my vacation time' never made it to thier intended audience.
On the bright side~ the grocery store pays out it's employees a bi-quarterly bonus check. Thankfully, that came on that previous Thurday, and we hadn't done anything with it since I'd had it cashed.
Friday- Girlfriend is terribly sick, and apparently so is my sister. D: OMFG.
Today, I went and visited my sis in the hospital. Apparently, it looks like it's probably just a 'simple' infection. WHEW. Now, if the doctors could agree on what's causing it. >_<
Ja for now.
P.S. new scanner means new art! YAY! :D