(no subject)

Jan 23, 2010 11:19

Playing catchup in AP Bio, English, Gov't... shit there's a lot to do.

I've gotten a lot done for Bio, but can't find a link I need to a resource. the only thing after that is test corrections and packets. I have no intention of doing the reading guides. Ever. I despise them, and the material isn't even interesting (I could do them no problem in AP psych last year) enough to get me through the pages of BS. Color sheets and shit I'll do, but I don't even want the reading guide points.
Looking forward to the 9 weeks test on tuesday, should bring my grade up. The only thing left to do after that is do ok on the midterm.

English is mostly quizzes I was present for but didn't do because I didn't read the book or passage we were being quizzed on.

Gov't I need to ask the teacher about, but I've pretty much done everything else.

Computer programming (I never do the labs in here because they're exceedingly boring), maybe I can get my sister to let me take her's and alter them a little or whatever.

Photoshop (same deal, but less work) I did what I could. I never paid to rent a camera so I can't show him negatives or prints or anything. Whatever. I regretted that class after day 3.

Yes, one more late assignment can hurt, I've learned. I'm going to be a terrible adult.

so I'm definitely looking forward to losing internet til summertime. Gonna be a blast.
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