Outfit post

Jun 12, 2009 17:15

I was shopping today....

but first of all:
today's outfit

then I tried what that diamante Dress would like in combination with black

(just don't pay attention of the funny way I stand there.. I tried to somehow fit myself into the picture ^^;;;)
first of all: I think the shoes are much too plain to go with anything diamante. (and I was considering black, just because of those shoes (in fear of the other diamante shoes my get ruined during a live....)
conclusion of the day:... white dress + black = NO !!

this is the outfit I plan on wearing tomorrow:

you hardly can see it in that picture but the skirt has a tiny white dots pattern (does it count as polkadots ?)
and the hair acessoire is a polkadot flower
=> I did my best: polkadot outfit ... I hope ist's polkadotty enough ^^

I went to buy this quite plain but lovely (suited for everyday) white skirt at Closet Child.

Heart E only 3200yen

from Closet Child I went back to Subnade... RF
I tried on one very lovely skirt:

I tried the pink one. they also have this skirt in black.
BUT: I don't really need any more skirts (I really would need some cute tops to go with all those skirts though.)
So I'm not sure yet, if I want to buy it or not... and IF I go to buy it... wich color ??

But speaking of tops
I bought a lovely set at RF:
Top + cardigan

only 4500yen ^.^v
they have another cute top
but it's some lightweigth knitted fabric...I'm not sure if I want ANYTHING knitted for summer ^^;
(and it's quite "expensive ~7000yen)
so I guess I have to go back there some time

but the Heart E skirt + that RF set together is quite cute

while I was in Shibuya I bought myself some nice yukata acessoire:


I'm not sure yet how I will incooperate this into my outfit... since I usually use this:

but both is a bit ... too much ^^;


So I might try to use that Obijime + butterfly

oh and then I bought myself one of those "obi-stiffener" (I really don't know what those things are called)
and I decided to buý the more expensive one... because it has cute lace on the upper end that shows when you are wearing your obi ^.^

and since I talked so much about my yukata here it is:

I dressed myself very sloppy in those pictures... just to get an idea of what the acessoires will look together
I'm not really sure what I will do about the obi though.
To be honest, I made this one myself... and even though I REALLY like the color combination, it isn't as stiff as a real obi would be
no big problem... BUT it's hard to tie the Musubi ... no it really isn't hard to tie it actually,.. but it's difficult to make it stay where it belongs (it keeps slipping down a bit)
I guess.... I will practice dressing the next few days.. and if I don't figure out a way to make it work,.. I might just go back to asakusa and buy the "easy obi" (which has very similar color to mine) eventhough I don't like easy obi too much -_-
and YES I actually DO plan on wearing my diamante mules with the yukata !


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