Ah, crap... The days flew by so fast, school starts tomorrow! FML. ._.,,,,
Erm, anyway, I really should hurry up and recap last Sunday's activities, before I fall behind even more. ^^;;;;
So yeah, last Sunday(21st), I had the best day in 2011 thus far. *laughs* Mind you, nothing can beat Anime North 2011, but that was in the span of three days, so really, Sunday 21st was amazing 'cause it felt like three days rolled into one.
I met up with Chiya-chan and Jera-chan at 8:30 AM at Finch station to pick them up. Then, I picked up Sun Min-kun and Zare-san at Sun Min's place. Thus commenced GADD's epic beach day. We drove to Wasaga beach (I was the designated driver) and arrived at roughly 10:30 AM. When we got there, we did the usual camwhoring (fully clothed and in bikini).
Very soon, Chiya-chan had gotten us all joining her in the water, so one splash led to another, and pretty soon, we had a GADD typhoon going on (splash fest!). XD;; This soon dissolved into a mud fight when just splashing water wasn't enough; we grabbed handfuls of wet sand from the bottom and chucked them at each other... Or exfoliated each other with said wet sand by slathering it all over people's backs. *laughs*Taking a break from the water sports, we went back on shore, where Jera-chan started building a sandcastle by first digging a moat. Meanwhile, I took pictures... While Chiya-chan, Sun Min-kun and Zare-san started tossing a ball over my head. Pretty much, they played catch with the ball, with me standing in the middle. ^^;;
Seeing that Jera-chan was still studiously working on her sandcastle(she'd started moulding mounds to create the inner castle), I decided to join in and help shape the castle. Sun Min-tachi decided to go grab McDonald's for lunch, so Jera and I placed our orders(...) and while they went to buy lunch, we continued to work on what we later dubbed, The Kingdom of Splarta. Jera did the main structures(inner castle, outer corners, moat, etc), while I added details (walls, ridges on the walls, actual towers on the outer corners, windows, moar towers on the inner castle, etc). When the others came back with McDonald's and Tim Horton's donuts, we were still working on the sandcastle. Chiya said, "You guys are crazy!". *laughs* We're not crazy~ We're just industrious workers with a lot of creativity! 8D Eventually, Chiya and Sun Min helped dig the moat deeper and fill it with water... After Jera engraved 'SPLARTA' on the castle ground and I engraved 'GADD' on the inner castle, the Kingdom of Splarta was finally completed.
...Aren't we awesome?!?! 8D 8D XD
It surprised Sun Min that GADD was actually doing normal beach activities, instead of something obscure, haha. After we took pictures with the castle, Sun Min, who was itching to destroy sandcastles that day, finally got to destroy the Kingdom of Splarta(with our permission, of course). I recorded him doing it. *cackles* It was hilarious. Running jump into the sandcastle, wild stomping, jumping, throwing sand everywhere, "NO MOAT!", splashing water out of the moat, "NO BRIDGE!", tossing the piece of wood into the waters, etc... Oh man... I'm so glad I recorded it. 8)
Now that the Kingdom of Splarta was no more, Chiya, Jera and I decided to parody Baywatch by running slow-motion from the beach and into the water, with Sun Min recording it all... It was pretty amusing. XP
Then, we all went back in the water to splash some more, this time, attempting to piggyback each other in the water... It was hilarious watching them try. Nobody succeeded in piggybacking or being piggybacked, but Jera-chan managed to accidentally leap frog over people several times. I couldn't stop laughing. XD XD
Deciding that we might as well have more food, Sun Min and Zare went back to the car to grab the cooler, while us ladies dried off to stay warm. The moment they were out of sight, it suddenly started getting super windy, so we started to put away the parasol, pack stuff away... It was about 3 PM or so, and we just packed everything away, just in time for the storm to hit. When Sun Min and Zare returned, it started to drizzle, so we all hurried to head back to the car(poor guys; they lugged the heavy cooler for nothing). By the time we reached the car, it was raining. But there were huge trees sheltering us from the rain, and we were parked at Chiya-chan's friend's cottage, so we entered the cottage, just in time to avoid the big storm that hit. It pissed down like no tomorrow, outside. We all looked like drowned rats, but whatever~ It was a nice adventure of sorts, and the warm cottage was super cozy. We ate the hotdogs that I made for GADD, and had the rest of the donuts and juice. Jazu-chan offered us pistachio nuts, which we gladly ate. :3 After playing a round of Crazy Eights and taking mandatory group pictures, the storm had passed, so we headed out again, agreeing to head back into Toronto in time for dinner.
The drive back was awful; we got stuck on the highway 'cause it was rush hour and there are always traffic jams during rush hour. I was literally falling asleep behind the wheel 'cause we were going so slow. x.x Thankfully, we made it to Kelsey's all in one piece. :)
That day, there was a fun phrase that Jera-chan said that morning; the weather was cold for a beach day, so she said, "It can't get worse." ....Then it started raining while we drove there, and Sun Min said, "It just got worse." ...........When the storm hit later, we were all like, "Well, it got worse!" ...Wahahaha. But the day was awesome, still.
Dinner at Kelsey's was amazing, too. We all ordered food and made it somewhat communal for everyone to share if they wanted to, and ordered all of the alcoholic drinks on one page of the drinks menu(Zare volunteered to treat us for drinks!). Sun Min looked at the waiter and slid his finger from top to bottom of the page of drinks and said, "We'd like all of the drinks on this page. No jokes." ...The waiter laughed and said that we made his day. 8D So in total, we had three margaritas(Chiya's was strawberry, Sun Min's was raspberry, Zare's was melon) and five other drinks that were featured on the special of the drink menu.
After we all tried the margaritas, we tried the other five drinks Spoons style. Since there were five of us, we passed each drink along to the left after taking a sip of the drink. I liked the Blackberry Bramble(the one farthest right) the most. :3 <-designated driver drinking(...). Of course, I didn't have much alcohol, since I was the one driving; I only sipped from all eight drinks and had a third of the Blackberry Bramble. *coughs* Yumminess, yo.
Guess what? GADD treated me to the dinner, since I only had $9 in my wallet. ;A; ;A; ;A; They told me to save it for karaoke... Which we did, right after dinner. We went to Yonge karaoke for Japanese/Korean/English songs. This time, we used the system that Wiru-kun, Nisu-kun and I always used- We all took turns entering ONE song in at a time, and did not enter another one until we'd sang our song. It worked very well. :D
That night, I drove everyone to Sun Min's place(he'd drive them all home), and we all had a last GADD hug. Got home at around 1 AM. Pretty much, the outing lasted over 15 hours. *laughs*
Needless to say, my last farewell party ended with a BANG. 8D 8D 8D ♥