Analysis x Epic Code Geass MAD x Lots of lulz

Oct 28, 2008 10:52

So last night, I slaved over my FRAN 3310 analysis from 9 PM to 2:30 AM, writing the stupid thing from scratch. I have decided that altavista is pure trash and should not be used, ever. =.=;;;;; <-better off writing off the top of her head. Aside from the horrible brain-wreckage that is novel analysis... I'M DONNNNE!!!! Have I ever mentioned how much I freaking looooove bonpatron(a site that makes your French grammar FLAWLESS)?!?! Homg, thanks for introducing it into my life, Jera-chan!!! It's amazing and makes my school life so much easier!!! TAT TAT *A*

Though this morning I woke up in a considerably crappy mood (nearly late for school; missed my bus and everything...), so far, the rest of the day has been cool~ On that note, I must raep your brains with this video:

image Click to view

...I know I really shouldn't, but I was watching it during my morning class... Upon viewing this, it took ALL of my willpower not to laugh my ass off right then and there. I laughed sooo hard at Lelouch's crotch thrust. And OMFG, there was this EPIC Spinzaku scene in there that made me laugh until I teared up(in class...). XD XD XD XD YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! DO IT DO IT DO IT!!! *_______* Japanese people make the most epic MADs... <-still mentally giggling over video. I am sooo going to play it when GADD meets up today. >:)

...On a somewhat annoying note, I wish email accounts had an 'undo' button for accidentally discarding drafts. D: I've lost EVERY one of my drafts due to one wrong click... orz|||||||||| <-saved links and such in drafts because she's stupid.

Tonight, I will bust my ass writing journals for my feminist course, due this Thursday. *dies*

geass, humor, school, links, videos

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