Feb 02, 2010 23:57
I am currently sitting in my car at the airport, waiting for my bro to arrive from the Lion City.
He said 11.30, i have been here for 20mins! I seriously need to pee and i hate public toilets and i still have 2 frakin' huge stacks of works to mark!
Fuck i cud use a smoke rite now...
Earlier tonight i ws at my beb's place watching the "Guiliana & Bill" marathon. And as i was sitting there with my bf n her sister's, listening to them coo endlessly over Bill n how amazing and sweet he is and how they wish they hav wat G n B hav.. How they are so cute together, i got to thinking... Chivalry and true gentlemenlyness wher i am is dead. Dead and gone. All those guys have been snatched up already by some lucky girls and i have the leftovers to pick from. Or either that they are still babies. too young for me.
I dunno, been feeling more and more cynical these days. I am officially in a slump.
And i dunno how to dig myself out.