~Fish Spa~ Hee Hee

Apr 05, 2009 23:54

After work on Saturday, my frens were stressing out. So eventhough i was swamped with marking students books, i agreed to go out and de-stress with them.
I bought a pair of shoes!
Hehehehe, well at least i didnt buy an iTouch although i was soooo tempted! XP
Im controlling myself cos im waiting for the new HTC Touch Pro2 to come out. Will dat be a dent in my wallet. Hehehe..
Earlier in the day another colleague of mine mentioned that there was a place where you could get a fish spa. You know, like in that one episode of Ugly Betty where Willie got Marc to get her these little fish that eat the dead skin cells on your feet to smooth it out.
So i suggested to them that we should do that so we went and in the end out of the 3 of us i was the only one who did it cos the other two were to grossed out to do it.
For the first 5 mins i couldnt stop laughing cos it was sooooo ticklish! Hahaha but i got over it and it was ok. Here are some pics of my experience:

Hehehehehe, eeewwww my legs need to get waxed again. LOL!^^
But it was a fun experience.
Life isnt forever, so we need to take chances and enjoy new things even when its kinda scary. :D

And i was going through my JaeSu pics folder the other day and i came across this gif that i found somewhere and i cant for the life of me remember from where this JaeSu moment came from:

(I am not putting in under the cut cos, well duh! it JaeSu ~<3)

On a more sour note, i started a bad habit. I was too stressed out at the time and i know its a stupid excuse but, i did it anyway and now i only have myself to blame. Smoking... real bad, so bad. I dun wanna elaborate yet, i dunno when i will but i am sure that i will. :(

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