Guess what....what date is it today? *O* It is November 3! And hey, I'm sure everyone remembers our DV guy's day, deshou? ^-^
So, even if my schedule is hectic, I will make an entry for NISHIKIDO RYO. <3333333333333333333
誕生日おめでとう 錦戸 亮~!
な かないで はなさないよ )
AHAHAH. Ganbare~! ^-^
I KNOOOOW. yamapi...O-O oh well..he's not a stick anymore so yeah &hearts
TORN &hearts weird, but i couldn't find much torn pics over the net LOL
I deleted my ryokura icon. this sucks. T.T oh well, sho can make it up XD
He will if he continues with his anorexic tendencies. >.> asckslk YES TORN! I'll make their icons soon. *v*
SRSLY I DUN WANT SPANISH T>T nobody knows when it was. D:
ahaha. with Jin, most probably he wouldn't :D RLY? GO GAWA KA NA LOL I WANT TORN ICONS D:
"there's something weird about me today" or "there's something weird with me today"? :Dv
Haha! I just hope Jin influence him into eating. It would be great. Like Jin just shove him mouthfuls of fat infested food. XD YESH! I WILL, BET ON IT, DEAR. "about me" XD
LOL I didn't want Jin to influence Pi with his "oppai thing and blonde-girls thing" but it seems like he already did. T.T
AHAHAHA. ;fldjka;akl &hearts I will be waiting for them :>
Thanks ^0^
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