Oct 27, 2004 12:10
As Evard took forth the potion that would heal his eyesight He asked "Is this the one he asked." Rary replied he took the potion in hand and threw it in the direction that he thought was awy from all the others. He stood as Rary asked "Why would u do such a thing after I worked so hard to make it for U."
Evard replied" I've already told u that i don't want that eyesight back I want new sight True Sight." He heard Omar appear at a tree behind the two. He heard the swish of his robes as he stepped one step closer to the others. Evard remebered when he had seenall of Rary's past of which robes that her father wore the White robes of good even though he was Drow. {Kill him} he heard the magic words spoken to Rary. and he heard her dagger become unsheathed ready to Kill him she was she was ready to leave him and Evard grew angry his rage fueling his magic and he cast a spell so firecely that all flinched at the power of the fireball that came forth and smacked Rary square in the chest blowing her back against a tree, Her skin was very badly burned. Omar spoke his words full of malice. "You see Rary one of the black robes can never be trusted." He heared the white robe begin to cast a spell but he had not heard Evard already finsh his spell as flame spewed forth from his tumbs and engulf Omar and his scream was savered by Evard ever beautful note of it. Evard turned to leave taping his staff on the ground feeling with his hand ton trees and in the air to make his way to along the way to where? he did'nt know he just knew hs was leaveing Rary for as along as it took to Be red of her forever. as he walked by Rary he heared her ask a siple question. "Why?" Why did u attack me ?"
Evards reply were the last words she heard before blacked out. "I do what I must to survive the others will be by to help u consider me letting u live as payment for Ur kindness. Good-bye Rary Forever."
Rary then Passed out.
How i would of wrote the story for Rary and her dad.