Aug 11, 2005 21:21
Your Desire: The Basis of Your Mutual Attraction
Brian's Sun Opposition Stephanie's Uranus:
This relationship changes course suddenly and unexpectedly. There is a great deal of unpredictability to your sex life. Erotic toys, videos, odd positions -- none of these are unusual in your bedroom. At best, this dynamic is exciting and unconventional; at worst it leaves Brian frustrated by Stephanie's unwillingness to be more committed and devoted to the relationship. Sometimes Brian wishes you could both just enjoy good old-fashioned missionary-position sex, complete with loving whispers and soft sighs of enrapturement. The unpredictable nature of the relationship and the lack of constancy and security may cause either, or both, of you to feel very uncomfortable as time goes on.
Brian's Mercury Conjunct Stephanie's Mars:
Your sex life may take on a bit of a challenging, aggressive tone, mirroring a similar tone in your relationship outside the bedroom. If you argue too much in your daily life, you run the risk either of taking out this aggressive energy on one another sexually -- or actually losing your sexual interest in one another. Be wary of hurting one another's feelings too much; practice sweetness and sensuality between the sheets.
Stephanie's Mars Opposition Brian's Jupiter:
Your relationship may focus more on business or other long-term goals than on the short-term pleasures afforded by intimate play. Your sexual enounters are likely to be brief and passionate; you may use sex as an outlet for all the energy you both build up throughout the day. Keeping your lovemaking short and sweet doesn't signify disinterest in that part of your relationship; rather, in keeping with the general forward-drive and organization of your lives, you like to keep sex hot but brief in order to reserve plenty of time for your plans, schemes and ambitions.
Brian's Mars Opposition Stephanie's Saturn:
Frankly put, Brian has a greater sex drive than Stephanie and may find Stephanie to be somewhat inhibitive during intimate moments. Do not allow this to become a festering problem between you: Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that both of you are being satisfied. See a sex counselor, talk between you about your desires or lack thereof, or establish an open relationship -- just do what you need to do to keep one another and yourselves happy. Always remember to maintain your honesty and goodwill toward one another, no matter what happens in your life together.
Wow...I have no idea if any of that is true.....
Romantic Compatibility Reading for
Stephanie & Brian
Brian's Sun Opposition Stephanie's Saturn:
It is likely that a restrictive, limiting, and even oppressive tone develops in this relationship. Stephanie can fall into the role of being the parent, teacher, or taskmaster of Brian, causing Brian to feel inhibited and confined by Stephanie's seriousness and inflexibility. If Brian can benefit from the responsible and concerned attitude of Stephanie and Stephanie can refrain from taking problems or concerns too seriously, then the positive sense of maturity, responsibility, and stability of the relationship can overcome the negative tendencies.
Brian's Sun Opposition Stephanie's Uranus:
If the two of you depend on each other to perform tasks and meet responsibilties (such as in a business relationship), you will find that it is often difficult to coordinate your schedules or focus on practical details. You do work together well on creative and innovative projects, however, when you do get together. You are likely to pop in and out of each other's lives at unexpected times.
Brian's Sun Square Stephanie's Mercury:
The two of you do not always see eye-to-eye on issues, and it is very easy for Stephanie to become critical of Brian. Compounding the problem is Brian's tendency to be very sensitive to criticism from Stephanie and consequently react defensively to this criticism. This need not be a serious problem however; a little tolerance for each other's right to disagree and respect for individual differences is all it takes to make personal differences interesting rather than annoying.
Stephanie's Sun Sextile Brian's Mars:
Successful cooperation in achieving goals and accomplishing tasks is highlighted. You make an excellent working team and you are able to assist each other in achieving specific, concrete goals.
And again...HUH?