Crap Ass rolling down the hill!

May 31, 2004 22:28

Sorry I'm just a bit mad because my freakin managers changed the days I was off and so I don't have friday off which I wanted off soo bad so I can spend time with my bestest friend Masako!! Pisses me off!! Shimatta!!! bleh!

Anyway, before I get even more pissed about that. I need to go and pick up my free passes to sea world. I'm selling 3 of them for 10 dollars each to my friend Edie. It's better than paying full price for them.

Anyway, I didn't get to see my cutie at work today but it was alright. No body that I really talk to was there except for Daniella and Jay. Well, I don't have much to say so I'm gonna go now.

Ja ne,

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