Oct 22, 2004 13:17
What's good with me this week? Hmmm well, I finally cleaned up my room. Ha after a million awaited years. Hopefully I can keep it that way. So yeah. hahaha I am finally getting another job. I'm driving for Pizza hut. I'm gonna get paid $6 an hour maybe a little more cause I worked at a pizza place previously. So yeah, my bf gets paid more than I do. $13 an hour! That's $91 a day, $455 a week and $910 every two weeks and that's before taxes. gosh man I need to work with him. I'm gonna move to Cali! hahaha
I got to talk to Gerard last night and this morning before he went to work! yay!!! I missed him soo much! We hardly get to talk anymore cause he works and stuff. Yeah and when he's off I work so yeah conflicting work sch. eh...but I gotta make that money. Got a few bills to pay. so yep yep. I need to apply to Uts again if I'm gonna go back. I hope and pray I get accepted. Gerard's going back to school next semester too so yeah. eh...If I don't go to Utsa I go to Northwest Vista for a semester and then go back to Utsa. So yeah, weeee I kinda miss school. I miss having to study and having to go to class and stuff. hahaha
I might go back to Track. I'm not sure yet. Cause when I go back I'll still be ineligible and stuff like that. I love throwing and stuff but eh...I guess my priorities are becoming different or something. But if I do go back I'm gonna have to start working out hardcore to get back in the shape I was in when I was there. So yeah
Yesterday I went to work out with my foxy guu! And now my arms are killin me! We went to the ab work out and we did some arm weights before that and man! woo I am sure feelin it today. ha
Well, I guess that's my update for now.
ja n
♥ Taki ♥